出版时间:2009-4 出版社:中信出版社 作者:胡敏,王吉美 页数:261
专家推荐:英语教学专家胡敏亲自为你导航;学习导读:为你讲解最实用的英语学习技巧;疑难注释:不用费力查资料也能让你看得懂;译文欣赏:精彩绝伦的译文,供你参考、欣赏;演讲背景:让你一览无余地了解演讲的背景;专家推荐、权威解读,手把手教你学英语。 前新东方学校校长、现任新航道学校校长,有中国“雅思之父”之称的胡敏联合新航道学校主讲教师王吉美共同编著。 让你体验到最佳英语教材与最佳英语教师的最佳结合。你会明白什么才是英语学习的最佳捷径。
序学习导读Declaration of Candidacy 竞选宣言Iowa Caucus Night爱荷华州之夜New Hampshire Primary Night 新罕布什尔州初选之夜A More Perfect Union塑造一个更加完美的合众国Father’s Day 20082008年父亲节Renewing American Competitiveness重塑美国竞争力A World That Stands as One一个团结一致的世界Election Night胜选之夜Inaugural Address就职演讲
Each of us, in our own lives, will have to accept responsibility——for instilling an ethic of achievement in our children, for adapting to a more competitive economy, for strengthening our communities, and sharing some measure of sacrifice. So let us begin. Let us begin this hard work together. Let us transform this nation.Let us be the generation that reshapes our economy to compete in the digital age. Let's set high standards for our schools and give them the resources they need to succeed. Let's recruit a new army of teachers and give them better pay and more support in exchange for more accountability. Let's make college more affordable, and let's invest in scientific research, and let's lay down broadband lines through the heart of inner cities and rural towns all across America.And as our economy changes, let's be the generation that ensures our nation's workers are sharing in our prosperity. Let's protect the hardearned benefits their companies have promised. Let's make it possible for hardworking Americans to save for retirement. And let's allow our unions and their organizers to lift up this country's middle class again.Let's be the generation that ends poverty in America. Every single person willing to work should be able to get job training that leads to a job, and earn a living wage that can pay the bills, and afford child care so their kids have a safe place to go when they work. Let's do this.Let's be the generation that finally tacldes@ our health care crisis. We can control costs by focusing on prevention, by providing better treatment to the chronically ill, and using technology to cut the bureaucracy. Let's be the generation that says fight here, right now, that we will have universal health care in America by the end of the next President's first term.Let's be the generation that finally frees America from the tyranny of oil. We can harness homegrown, alternative fuels like ethanol and spur the production of more fuel-efficient cars. We can set up a system for capping greenhouse gases. We can turn this crisis of global warming into a moment of opportunity for innovation, and job creation,and an incentive for businesses that will serve as a model for the world.Let's be the generation that makes future generations proud of what we did here.Most of all, let's be the generation that never forgets what happened on that September day and confront the terrorists with everything we've got. Politics doesn't have to divide us on this anymore——we can work together to keep our country safe. I've worked with Republican Senator Dick Lugar to pass a law that will secure and destroy some of the world's deadliest, unguarded weapons.
你要完全把这本书消化掉一从听说、泛读、精读再到能够完全诵读。每个步骤你都要认真完成,每完成一个步骤你都会有一种成就感、一种兴奋感。最终,你会发现, “我的英语水平怎么突然就增长了一大截?” ——新航道国际教育集团总裁、北京新航道学校校长 胡敏