
出版时间:2013-2  出版社:五洲传播出版社  


《如何面对中国人101题》内容简介:In 101 Stories for foreigners to Understand Chinese People,Yi and Bryan Ellis tell stories about their experiences living in China to introduce elements of Chinese culture,etiquette and interpersonal interaction.
When they moved from New York City to Shanghai three years ago, they read several guide books and thought they were prepared. But dozens of small yet significant cultural differences caught them by surprise!
Three years (and numerous faux pas, misunderstandings and misinterpretations) later, they have written this book to help readers benefit from their experiences. Their stories explain both the "what's" and the "why's" of Chinese customs, so that readers can better understand and appreciate the Chinese way of thinking and living. Often,what seems bizarre and strange at first makes perfect sense if you see it from a Chinese perspective. Yi and Bryan have enjoyed learning about Chinese culture and hope that the readers will enjoy this journey of discovery as well.


作者:(美国)沈熠 (美国)瑷秉宏


Author's Foreword Ⅰ.First Encounters: Greetings in China 1.Happy to Hear "Ni Hao!" (Hello!) 1 2.Shakes,Hugs and Kisses 2 3.Mrs.Wang's Husband Is Not Mr.Wang 4 4.Firm or Soft Handshake? 6 5.Where Are You From? 10 6.You Are One When You Are Born 12 Ⅱ.Chinese Modesty 7.Virtue of Modesty 14 8.Can't Take a Compliment 15 9.Humility vs.Confidence 17 10.Don't Show Off,Especially Your Wealth 19 11."I Will Do My Best" 20 12.Thin Face and Thick Skin 22 Ⅲ.Restaurant Etiquette 13.The Chinese Seating Chart 24 14.Private Rooms at Restaurants 26 15.Shouting for Waiters 28 16.One Menu per Table 30 17.Where Are My Appetizers? 32 18.Seat Covers in Restaurants 34 19.Toasting 36 20.Slurping Hot Soup 39 21.Knocking on the Table 41 22.Fighting for the Check in Restaurants 43 23.Restaurant Receipt Lottery 46 24.Lukewarm Recommendations 48 Ⅳ.Everyday Etiquette and Customs 25.Different Sizes of Personal Space 50 26.Don't Leave Any Gap When You Stand in Queue! 52 27.Getting Personal 53 28.The Meaning of a Gentleman 56 29.Girls Holding Hands? 58 30.Gentlemen First 60 31.Arriving Late,Leaving Early 62 32.Ring,Ring,Go Ahead,Answer the Phone 64 33.Keep the Pants On! 67 34.Sneezing vs."Honking" 69 35.Right of Way 71 36.Hang Your Laundry Out 73 37.Parks at Night Are for Lovers 75 38.The Old Ladies Cheered Me On! 77 39.Singing with Your Friends 79 40.Bathrobes on the Beach 81 41.She Can't Hear What She Does Not Understand 82 Ⅴ.Beliefs 42.Big Ears and Fleshy Noses Are Lucky 84 43.Colors and Traditions 86 44.Numbers and Meanings 89 45.Animals and Symbols 92 46.Fruity Symbolism 96 47.Birthday Celebrations 99 48.Unusual Birthdays 100 Ⅵ.Food and Drink 49.No Cold Water for Guests 102 50.How Do I Drink Green Tea? 104 51.Beer,Red Wine,or Hard Liquor? 106 52.It's Better If You Cook It 108 …… Ⅶ.Shopping and gift-giving Ⅷ.Understanding the Chinese family Ⅸ.What they say vs.what they mean Ⅹ.Doing business in china Ⅺ.Raising children in china Ⅻ.Heath and medicine Afterword


版权页:   插图:    Bryan and I used to work in Times Square in New York City.The crowd there is constant;you are always surrounded by people even at two o'clock in the morning.However,despite the crush of people,we rarely ever bumped into anybody physically (unless it was New Year's Eve when you are squeezed on all sides by people waiting to watch the ball drop).People in Times Square seem to have an uncanny ability to avoid touching others.They turn their shoulders,step sideways,or even duck to navigate a narrow space without coming into physical contact with other people. In China,the experience is quite different.We live near Xujiahui in Shanghai.It is the equivalent of Times Square in New York where shoppers and tourists congregate in huge masses.During the weekends,there is literally a sea of people in Xujiahui.Unlike in New York City,people here don't seem to mind the body contact between strangers. One weekend,Bryan and I went to Xujiahui for some electronics shopping.As we walked on the crowded streets,people kept bumping into the two of us.And when they did,they didn't say sorry or excuse me.They just kept on walking as if nothing had happened.Bryan and I were really annoyed by this behavior.The first couple of times it happened,we turned our bodies to make more room for people to pass.By the third time,we literally stopped,turned around,and said,"Hey,watch it!" When it happened a fourth time,Bryan decided to square his shoulders and stand firm so that people who tried to pass us by bumping into Bryan's side would get bounced back.People were clearly shocked by this action.They stared at Bryan,and their face said,"I can't believe you didn't yield when we tried to pass you!" Then we began to understand why.





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