出版时间:2012-1 出版社:五洲传播出版社 作者:滕建民 改编 页数:102
The Peony pavilion is one of Tang's
"Four Dreams" and has traditionally been performed as a Kun opera.
The opera tells a romantic love story of Du Liniang and Liu
Mengmei, with its focuses on love, beauty, relationship, and
marriage.This passionate story has always been considered a Chinese
nalional treasure, and continues to resonate with audience
everywhere, even in this modern day and age. This book, with plain
words, intends to help foreign readers understand the story and
appreciate classic Chinese opera.
作者:滕建民 译者:顾伟光 (美国)马洛甫(Marloff S.)
Chapter Ⅰ
Chapter Ⅱ
Chapter Ⅲ
Chapter Ⅳ
Chapter Ⅴ
Chapter Ⅵ
Chapter Ⅶ
Chapter Ⅷ
Chapter Ⅸ
Chapter Ⅹ
版权页: made her happy.Coming out of the inanimate boudoir and intoa surrounding of beautiful flowers,she suddenly felt relieved.Everything before her eyes was so pleasing to see.She wonderedwhy her dad had never taken her to the garden,not evenmentioned the existence of it. Together the girls wandered through the garden,camearound the rockery through the wisteria pergola,stopped by thepeony railing to watch the flying butterflies over the flowers andlisten the yellow warbler singing at the Peony Pavilion.The beautyand vitality of the garden intoxicated her completely. Seeing that such vibrant and beautiful scenery is locked upbehind the wall and fell into disuse,suggestive of the circumstanceshe was in,the young mistress was a bit sentimental.She waslike the flowers in the garden,beautiful but unknown,lockedup behind the walls of the mansion.The beautiful peony wouldwither and fall after the spring season and eventually only the deadtwigs and withered leaves remained.J-he young mistress thoughtto herself that she might shares the same destiny with those fallingpeonies.Disturbed by the thought,she sighed and quickly lost theexcitement over and interest in the beautiful scenery before hereyes. "Chunxiang,I'm tired.Let's leave here: When Liniang returned to her boudoir she threw herselfonto her bed.She felt tired from the walk in the garden and fellasleep over the table. She dreamed that a young scholar,holding a willow twig inhis hand,entered her room. "Young mistress,I have been looking for you and here youare; he spoke softly. Liniang stood up quickly,puzzled and shocked.She hadnever spoken to any young man before and therefore could notthink of anything to say.Speechless,she gave him a quick glance,her head spinning.