出版时间:2011-1 出版社:五洲传播出版社 作者:杨O,郭雯 编著 页数:197
The five books in this Chinese Lifestyle on the whole form a
kind of knowledge pool for readers interested in the Chinese
society, the people and their way of thinking and social
behavior.This book is one of the series《Chinese food life care》,
the book is divided into six parts content.
Chapter One: Grains and Beans
Chapter Two: Vegetables and Fruit
Chapter Three: Edible Fungi and Nuts
Edible Fungi
Chapter Four: Poultry, Meat, Milk and Eggs
Chapter Five: Aquatic Products
Chapter Six: Constitution, Season and Food
Traditional Chinese Food Life Care Studies
Nourishing Yang in Spring And Summer
Nourishing Yin in Autumn And Winter
A Brief Glossary of TCM Food Life Care
A List of the Twenty-four Solar Terms
插图:TCM may appear rather philosophical with seemingly vague con- cepts like Qi, Yin, and Yang. There are no double-blind placebo studies, so seen through the lens of biology or biochemistry it may seem to lack a solid scientific base. So let's briefly address any concern over the effectiveness of TCM, on which Chinese life care is based. Firstly, many of the old TCM beliefs have now been corroborated by scientific evidence. For example, crab was recently found to con-tain a considerable amount of copper, and it is known that copper promotes inflammation or growth. The Chinese dietary system has long believed that crab has such a function. Another example con-cerns pearl. Many ancient TCM classics record pearls' medicinal value in treating faintness, stopping bleeding, and counteracting toxic effects. Now, scientists have discovered that pearls contain a large amount of calcium carbonate which is a strong inhibitor of bacteria.In another example scientists at Garvan Institute have proven that the alkaloid berberine is an effective treatment for diabetes type II.TCM practitioners have long known that roots from plants such as barberry, from which berberine is obtained, is a valuable remedy.Indeed it may come to pass that science will validate the effective-ness and mechanisms of other herbal medicines, but that research will not come quickly or easily due to logistical problems. After all,Aspirin, which has been in use for a hundred years, has only recently had its physiological mechanism explained.