
出版时间:2010-1  出版社:五洲传播  作者:李争平|译者:译谷  页数:142  


The Chinese do not see wine as one of the necessities of life, but in theirsocial life the culture of wine as a distinct cultural form has made andcontinues to make an impact on the way the Chinese live. Chinese alcoholicdrinks are chiefly made from grain. Throughout the long history of China, withits large population and long-term reliance on agriculture, the ups and downsof the wine trade have been closely bound up with political, economic andsocial conditions. The fluctuations in the grain harvest were like a barometerfor the ups and downs of the wine business. The successive ruling dynastiesissued or relaxed restrictions on wine production according to the grainharvests to make sure that people had enough to live on.


PrefaceThe Invention of Chinese Wine  Where does Wine ComeFrom?  Wine in Sacrifice——a Holy Means of Invocation, an Offering in the Holy RiteThe Varieties of Alcohol and Their Appreciation  Chinese Wine and its Most Famous Types  Chinese Spirits and Their Most Famous Types  Beer in China  Wine Made in China  A New Force in the World Wine LandscapeWine Drinking Rituals and Customs  Flagon Fine and Goblet Rare  Wine Rituals and Wine Morality  Drinking Games  Folk Customs and Wine  Drinking Styles  Hospitality and Drinking  Wine and Holidays  Wine's Therapeutic Value and Regular UsageLegends of Wine  Wine and Politics  "Lifting My Drink and Singing a Song"  Poetry and WineFrom Wine Restaurants to Bars  Traditional Wine Restaurants  Bars——Leisure Venues in the Cities  Consumption of Imported WineAppendix: Chronological Table of the Chinese Dynasties


  Li Zhengping researcher in Chinas alcoholicbeverage culture and freelance writer, is theauthor of Chinas Alcoholic Beverage Culture(The Current Affairs Press).



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  •   哈哈,用外国人的眼光评价中国酒。
  •   这本书写得不错,当当运送速度比较快,商品完整,我很喜欢~!

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