
出版时间:2010-1  出版社:五洲传播出版社  作者:徐城北  页数:130  译者:陈耕涛  


Foreign visitors to Beijing usually first visit the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and the Temple of Heaven representative sites of historical interest in the city. In the evening, a tourist guide will take foreign visitors to the Chang an Grand Theater on the Avenue of Enduring Peace. In the foyer are counters selling handicraft articles, Peking Opera masks and Peking Opera-related books, picture albums and audio-videoproducts. Inside the theater, the stage is of a Western style.


Seeing a Peking Opera performance for the first time, a foreigner wouldwonder: why are faces of actors painted red, white, black, yellow or green?Are they masks? But masks are separate from the face. Facial make-upsin Peking Opera are different from masks. Intrigued, many foreign touristswould go backstage to see actors and actresses remove stage makeupand costume. Next time, they would go there before a performance startsto see how performers do their makeup. Luciano Pararotti, the great tenorof international fame, once had a Peking Opera actor paint on his face themakeup of Xiang Yu, a valiant ancient warrior portrayed in numerous Peking Opera plays.


徐城北,Xu Chengbei Researcher in Chinese ArtAcademy, Member of Chinese Writer'sAssociation. The peking opera play Wu Zetianthat he wrote for the well-know contemporaryopera actress Li Shji won the 1 st Wen HuaAward. Profound research in the field of Pekingopera Culture and Beijing city culture. He haspublished more than 60 works including: PekingOpera and Chinese Culture, Old Beijing Trilogy,Mei Lanfang Trilogy, Old Well-known Brands.


ForewordThe Birth and Evolution of Peking OperaAnhui Troups Moved into BeijingThe Art of Listening, Old-Style TheatersOld Beijing in Peking Opera's HeydayTheatrical Companies and Old-Style Opera SchoolsTheaters, Temple Fairs and TanghuiThe Stage, Props And OrchestraA Table and Two ChairsWen Wu ChangPerforming ArtFour Roles of Sheng, Dan, Jing and ChouActingSinging, Dancing and Acting Skills"Realms" of ActingPerformers and Performing SchoolsNan Dan, or Men Playing Female RolesGenerations of Famous ActorsMei Lanfang, Famous Dan ImpersonatorClassic PlaysModern Peking OperasConventions of Peking OperaIt Is Not Easy to Appreciate Peking OperaPeking Opera in the Contemporary EraAppendix: Chronological Table of the ChineseDynasties


插图:Tents (lian ying zai), forexample, to show Liu Bei making his escape in a conflagration, astage checker standing on the side of the stage would light piecesof paper and throw the burning paper onto the actors, whothereupon do escaping or extinguishing acts——feats worthy ofacrobats.   Traditional stage setting is part of Peking Opera's conventions.Many foreign audiences are very curious about Peking Opera'shighly stylized performances. In Peking Opera, two pieces ofcloth represent a sedan chair; a push and a pull by an actormeans opening and closing a window. People watching PekingOpera for the first time may find it difficult to understand. Also,Peking operas are closely connected with the history, customs,culture and social conditions of China. To enjoy Peking Opera,audiences need to understand China, its history and culture.  Today, a big silk curtain hangs before a Peking Opera stage. Ashow begins when the curtain rises. This curtain does not comedown until the whole show comes to an end. Between acts, asecond curtain made of satin rises and closes. This“double-curtain”.





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