
出版时间:2009-1  出版社:五洲传播出版社  作者:付瑞柯  页数:122  


Ihave had the pleasure of knowing Francesco Scolozzifor 10 years. During that time, he has travelled to Chinaseveral times annually, freauentlv staving up to 4 monthsat a time. No matter where he goes to in China, whether itbe Beijing, Dalian or another city, he is comfortable walkingalone on the street, or taking the bus or subway, not differentfrom other Chinese residents except that he does not speak thelanguage.


口述:(加拿大)付瑞柯·斯克洛齐(Francesco Scolozzi) 合著者:李宁玉 胡亦南


PrefaceAcknowledgementsIntroductionChapter 1 A Life Commitment to Improve the Quality of Our EnvironmentChapter 2 Search for New HorizonsChapter 3 Going East, Discovering the "New World"Chapter 4 Understanding and ChallengesChapter 5 The New Times of Chinese ArchitectureChapter 6 Realizing the Architectural DreamChapter 7 Blending TraditionsPostscript


插图:Francesco Scolozzi, was born in Italy after abackground in classical studies enrolled in the artschool of Bologna where he received the degree inarts. Enrolled in the studies of architecture at FlorenceUniversity where he received the degree of Doctor ofArchitecture with honourS.During the seventies, he was part time professor at theUniversity of Bologna and Florence University. He wasalso vice director of the architecture magazine Chiesa& Quartiere from year 1968 to 1971.He received the Master degree in Urban Designfrom Harvard University. Worked with internationallyrenowned architects Alvar Aalto and Kenzo Tange; withKenzo Tange he worked at the Master Plan of BolognaFiera District as design consultant for the Fiera DistrictCorporation.In the year 1976 immigrated to Canada; where hewas part time professor at the University of Toronto.Became Canadian Citizen and open his practice ofArchitecture in Toronto where he received DesignAward from the Association of Architects and UrbanDesign Award from the City of Mississauga andnumerous other recognitions.





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