
出版时间:2008-9  出版社:五洲传播出版社  作者:李庆本,崔连瑞 著,许华锋 等译  页数:142  


  Literature, in a strict sense, refers to "the art of beauty" or "the art of language", including poetry, prose, drama, fiction, etc. However, the concept "literature" has gone through a complicated process of evolution in the course of history before it develops the meaning we usually refer to today.  In China, the word"文学"(literature) first appeared in The Analects of Confucius. The Analects of Confucius, Part-11 quotes the master as saying:  德行:颜渊,闵子骞,冉伯牛,仲弓。  言语:宰我,子贡。  政事:冉有,季路。  文学:子游,子夏。  The translation reads:the students of Confucius had various abilities.The ones virtuous in principles and conduct were Yan-Yuan,Min Ziqian,Ran Boniu and Zhonggong.The ones who were good in rhetoric were ZaiWo and Zigong.The ones who had administrative talents were Ranyou and Jilu.The ones familiar with the ancient literature were Ziyou and Zixia.Here."literature"refers generally to ancient classic literature,not including language and art works that have special aesthetic features involving the manifold factors of emotion,imagination and fabrication.The special aesthetic nature of literature at the time was the function of poetry.Confucius says.“The poetry serve to stimulate the mind.


Literature, in a strict sense, refers to "the art of beauty" or "the art of language", including poetry, prose, drama, fiction, etc. However, the concept "literature" has gone through a complicated process of evolution in the course of history before it develops the meaning we usually refer to today.


Li Qingben originally from Laizhou, Shandong and born in 1965, PhD in literature. He is the Director of Research Institute of World Literature and Culture, Beijing Language and Culture University. He is professor and tutor of PhD candidates. His major works


PrefaceChapter I Rhythmic Subtlety vs Metrical Inspiration——Comparison of Chinese and Western Poetry.  Section I. Secular Songs vs Religious Hymn: Difference in Subject Matter  Section II. Shifting vs Relative Stability: Comparison in Poetic Forms  Section III. Rich Techniques vs Predilection for Symbolism: Difference in Techniques  Section IV. Different View on War and Death: Difference in ValuesChapter II Abstract Ideation vs Vivid Description——A Comparison of Chinese and Western Prose  Section I. Philosophical Strength vs Emotional Vigor: Comparison of Chinese and Western Prose  Section II. Fu and Dialogue Form Prose: Comparison of Specific Styles  Section III. Individualism vs Collectivism: Values reflected in Chinese and Western Essays  Section IV. Impact of Western Prose on Chinese ProseChapter III The Art of Alienation and Integration——Comparison of Chinese and Western Drama  Section I. Singular in Time and Space: Different Origins of Chinese and Western Drama  Section II. Undiluted Tragedy vs Aesthetic Grief: Comparison of Dramatic Tragedies  Section III. Alienation vs Integration: Difference of the Relationships between Actors and Audience  Section IV. Exchanges and Assimilation  Chapter IV Versatility vs Relative Uniformity——Comparison of Chinese and Western Fictions  Section I. Steady Development vs Catching up: Development of Chinese and Western Fictions  Section II. Direct Portrayal vs Indirect Rendering: The Psychology in Chinese and Western Fiction  Section III. Absence vs Awakening: Feminist Consciousness in Chinese and Western Fictions  Section IV. Chinese Fiction under the Influence of Western Ideas: Impact and Assimilations


  Poetry is the expression of gallant and free or delicate and subtle feelings with very concise words. Some poems record the development of major events in the history of mankind, while some verse may be the lighthearted singing of an individuals passion. Since ancient times, poetry has appeared when it is needed, whether in the 5,000 years of splendid Chinese civilization, or in the long history of the West. The origins of human civilization are intimately related to mankinds struggle to gain sustenance. In the course of such activities, people would freely express their views without having to rely on written records, making poetry one of the oldest of all literary genres. Lu Xun once said in his work "The Outsider Talks" that the laborers chant of "haij you, haij you" was the earliest known poetry and humorously called it the "haij you, haij you" style. The origin of poetry was also closely related to religion and entertainment.


文学,一般是指“美的艺术”或“语言艺术”,包括诗歌、散文、戏剧、小说等样式。    本书就从诗歌、散文、戏剧、小说四方面进行了中西文学的比较。全书贯通中西,用中国文论的眼光来看待问题,对比较文学的研究,作者提出了自己独到的看法。



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