出版时间:2008-9 出版社:五洲传播出版社 作者:高吉喜 页数:130
China has a vast area of about 9.6 million squarekilometers and ranks No. 3, next only to Rus-sia and Canada, in the world. Having complexclimatic, topographic and natural conditions and scarcearable land area, it faces a bigger challenge in environ-mental protection. Since the opening-up and reform in1978, the government has put great stress on environ-mental protection and engineering. This has resultedin significant improvement to the ecological environ-ment in key regions as also in biodiversity. Numerousrare animals and plants as well as endangered specieshave been brought under protection. China has takena series of measures to protect and improve the livingenvironment in the process of resource exploitation. Inmany parts of the country, beautiful nature with greenhills and blue waters has made a reappearance. At present, Chinas forest cover stands at I75 millionhectares, yielding a coverage rate of I8.21%. With aman-made forest area of one third of the world total,China ranks No.
PrefaceⅠ Protection & construction of Chinas main ecosystemForest ecosystemGrassland ecosystemWetland ecosystemFarmland ecosystemOasis ecosystem in desertsMarine ecosystemsFreshwater ecosystemⅡ Protection of biolooical diversityBiological diversity in ChinaNatural reserves, zoos and botanical gardensProtection of rare and endangered speciesExotic species control oActive participation in the protection of globalbiodiversityⅢ Ecological construction and rehabilitationMine resources restorationEcological rehabilitation along the Qinghai-TibetRailwayEcological protection in water conservancyprojectsDevelopment of ecotourismⅣ Energy conservation and emission reductionEnergy conservation and consumption reductionReducing greenhouse gas emissionsDecrease in sulfur dioxide emission and chemicaloxygen demand (COD)New and renewable sources of energyⅤ Rural and urban ecological protectionNew socialist countryside constructionUrban ecological constructionⅥ Green OlympicsCompliance with afforestation indicatorsBetter air quality
Wetland recovery and construction China began to reform and open-up in the late1970s and early 1980s. During that period, the wet-lands were damaged seriously because of farming,hydropower stations and tourism development be-ing pursued as short-term economic objectives. After China joined the Ramsar Convention onWetlands in 1992, the government has made a con-certed effort to protect the wetlands. The State For-estry Administration set up the "Commitment Ful-fillment Office of Ramsar Convention on Wetlands"which is responsible for the enforcement of wetlandprotection. In November 2000, the China NationalWetlands Conservation Action Plan was promul-gated. In August 2003, China undertook a survey ofthe wetlands resources of the whole country with3S technologies (remote sensing, GIS and GPS). Thegovernment decided to conduct such a survey everyfive years. In February 2004, the State Forestry Ad-ministration promulgated the Wetlands Conserva-tion Planning with approval from the State Council.