
出版时间:2008-9  出版社:赵承、张鸿鹏、 闫双 五洲传播出版社 (2008-09出版)  作者:赵承  页数:102  




IntroductionI 40-year-old procedure from planningto emergence of West-East electricitytransmission ProiectBackground of the project Historic opportunityPrelude to Development of the Western Regions Ⅱ "Energy bridges" connecting easternand western parts  Magnificent blueprintEstablishment of energy bridges Creating records Developing in the marketⅢ A winning result for everyone A project changing "power transmission" into "powergeneration" The power source for the development of the easternpart of China Environment improvement Building China's new power distribution pattern Ⅳ West-East electricity transmissionunder snow disaster Disaster strikes off southern channel Restoring transmission lines against time Lessons make people stronger


插图:The West-East electricity transmission project is aimed at bridging the gap between the country's underdeveloped western region, which is rich with energy resources but home to a large poverty strickenpopulation and its economically developed easternregion, which is short of energy resources. When the West-East electricity transmission project was first presented, it was certain to influence the social and economic development structure of China and soon became a key project in laying the foundation for future development.As early as the 1960s, the West-East electricity transmission project was put forward, but the Chinese economic and technological situation was not strong enough to implement it. It wasn't until the1980s that China started making preparations for the implementation of the project.





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