
出版时间:1970-1  出版社:五洲传播出版社  作者:陈连山  页数:143  


Myths and legends have been an important part of the spiritual wealth of mankind throughout history.They are a repository of the wisdom and imaginationof our ancestors.Myths tell the stories of deities and heroes,of the origin of theuniverse l of how God controls the universe?how deities fightfor it,the mysterious relationship between human and deities,as well as the extraordinary tales of bravery and courage ofancient heroes.According to these stories,God is the origin ofhuman life;the significance of human existence lies in God;andhuman destiny is decided by God.Mythological stories touchupon a wide variety of fields such as ancient beliefs,morality,philosophy,science and history,representing a microcosm ofancient spiritual life.Every nation has its share of legends,and SO does China.Therewere three main nationality groups in ancient times——Huaxia(Hannationality),Dongyi(Eastern Tribes)and Miaoman(SouthernTribes).Now,after thousands of year,these have given rise to amultiple Chinese nationality.Chinese mythology has evolvedgradually with Han tales at the core,while absorbing part of thetales of the Eastern and Southern Tribes.China’S mythologicalhistory is quite different from that of Greece.


The author believes that ancient Chinese myths and legends were gradually formed on the basis of those of the Huaxia (Han) and by absorbing from the Dongyi (ancient eastern tribes) and the Miaoman (ancient Southern tribes).The author sorted materials from various ancient Chinese books and records,and arranged the myths in order to aid readers' appreciation of the materials.In some chapters, he compares Chinese myths with western ones (especiallythe Greek).    Full of fascinating material sand lucidly written, this book enables readers toenjoy the charm of Chinese myths and legends as well understand the spiritof traditional Chinese culture. In addition to the main Chinese traditions, theauthor includes reference to less well-known but equally fascinating stories.


Chen Lianshan grew up in Luoyang,Henan.His ancestral home lS in lRuyang。Henan.Heobtained a doctoraI degree in Iiterature fromPeking University and is now an associateprofessor of Peking University.s Departmentof Chinese Language and Uterature,directorof the Teaching and Research Section ln FolkLiterature and a board member of the ChinaFolklore Society.Engaged in research on andthe teaching of Chinese foIk literature andfolkloristics for many years。he focuses onanci。ent Chinese mythology.His dissertation ISOn the Shan Hal Jing.His publications include:StructuralMythology Claude Levi Strauss andMythologicallssues(1999).Games(2000)andAbout the Dragon Boat Festival(2008).


Preface  The Origin of the Universe    I. Chaos    II. The Beginning of the World  The Origin of Mankind    I. The Image of Nvwa    II. The Creator of Human Beings    III. Nvwa Mendingthe Heaven    IV. Nvwa and Marriage    V. The End of Niiwa  Universe in Myth    I. The Heaven and Earth    II. Ten Suns and Twelve Moons    III. Mount Kunlun, City of Deities on Earth    IV. Deities' World in the Sea    V. Capital of Ghost and Taodu Mountain  Fuxi, the God of East Heaven    I. The Birth of Fuxi    II. Fuxi and Nfiwa: Human Creator and Goddess of Marriage    III. Cultural Civilization of Fuxi    IV. Fuxi, the God of East Heaven  Yandi, the God of South Heaven    I. The Contribution of Emperor Yandi    II. Later Generations of Emperor Yandi    III. Chaos in the Emperor Yandi's Era  Emperor Huangdi, the God of Central Heaven    I. The Birth of Emperor Huangdi    II. The War Between Emperor Huangdi and Emperor Yandi    III. War Between Emperor Huangdi and Chiyou    IV. Xingtian Scrambles for the Throne    V. Daily Life of the Central God Huangdi    VI. Contributions of Emperor Huangdi and His Subordinates  Shaohao, the God of West Heaven And Zhuanxu God of North Heaven    I. Shaohao in Chinese Myth    II. Birth of Zhuanxu    III. Cutting off the Link Between Heaven and Earth    IV. War Between Zhuanxu and Gonggong    V. The Origin of the Mengshuangshi Tribe    VI. The End of Zhuanxu    VII. The Offspring of Zhuanxu  Myths in the Era of Emperor Diku    I. Diku and His Five Wives    II. The Conflict Between Ebo and Shichen    III. Ebo Steals Fire    IV. Diku's Daughters  Myths & Legends in the Era of Yao    I. The Birth of Yao    II. M{racles in Yao's Rule    Ill. Miracle]udge Gaoyao    IV. Ten Suns in the Sky and the Severe Drought    V. Yi Shot Suns    VI. Yi and Luoshen's Love Affairs    VII. The Legend of Hebo's Wedding    VIII. Chang'e Flying to the Moon    IX. Gun Tamed the Raging Waters    X. EmperorYao's Demise  Myths & Legends in the Era of Shun    I. Birth of Shun and His Youth    II. Shun Ascends to the Throne    III. Buried at the Jiuyi Mountain  Myths & Legends in the Era of Dayu    I. The Birth of Dayu    II. Orders to Control the Floodwater    III. Dayu's Tragedy of Marriage    IV. Having All the Rivers Under Control  Other Myths & Legends   I. Ruafu Chasingthe Sun    II. Yugong Moving Mountains    III. Cowboyand Vega  Appendix 1: Major Characters in Chinese Myths & Legends  Appendix 2: Chronological Table of the Chinese Dynasties


插图:In another folk tale,it says that Fuxi and Nfiwa married afterthey survived a heavy flood.It is said that one day when Fuxiwas fishing in a lake,a huge white turtle swam to him andsaid.“The heaven is going to fall l the Earth will sink and floodwill cover the area a hundred days later.I come to your rescue,but you have to give me fish every day.”Fuxi then ensures thewhite turtle has the requested fish every day.When the sisterhears of this,she also brings fish to the white turtle.A hundreddays later,what the turtle says,happens.The white turtleswallows the brother and sister and sinks deep to the bottom ofthe lake.In its belly the two find a palace and all the fish theyhave given the turtle.





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