出版时间:2007-7 出版社:五洲传播 作者:郁辉 页数:155
As with the rest of the world,Chinese people have come to view TV and the Internet as the primary method of getting information,spending their leisure time and seeking entertainment.For a tong time,however,books,newspapers and periodicals fuLfilted those functions.Today,the powerful media of TV and the Internet are diminishlng the atture of the print media so that the practice of reading seems to require protection.
People Have Everything They Need in a Vast OCean of Books A Craze for Traditional Culture Driven by Modem Media Young Authors Making Their Marks Children Are Gods Practicality Equals Popularity Books Emerging From the InternetCreating Energy On Paper Publishing Houses in Transition The Rise of Private Book Dealers A Diverse Community of Authors Delivering the "Most Beautiful Book"Exchanges of Publications Between China and the Rest of the World Scenes at Book Fairs Imported Books Perform a Miracle Chinese Books Go GlobalFlourishing Bookstore Environments From Xinhua Bookstores to Large Book Malls Specialized Private Bookstores Thriving Bargain Book Fairs Online Bookstores Now Commercially ViableMore Households Touched By Essence of Books Widely Diverse Readers Libraries Filled With Rich Scent of Books Book Collections and Studies