
出版时间:2007-8  出版社:五洲传播  作者:徐英,王宝琴编著  页数:133  


Today,the 56 nationalities,including the Han nationality,live on China's 9.6-million square kilometers of territory.Along with the Han people,these minorities have added to the profound Chinese civilization with their own fascinating cultures.Their beautiful costumes with unique accessories,diverse food customs,fascinating traditions,celebrations and history represent significant elements of Chinese civilization.Such diversity is the basis from which China,as a multi-national country,continues to develop.China's sustainable development and prosperity can also be ascribed to this diversity. When you travel with us to the "homes" of these families of China,you will find their lives and customs endlessly fascinating and their cultures,ancient and mysterious.No matter where you're from,you won't fail to be charmed.Let's begin our journey now.


PREFACEMONGOLIAN: THE PEOPLE ON HORSEBACK Nomadic Life on Grasslands The Three Necessary Skills of Mongolian Men The Ancient Urtiin duu (long-song)HEZHEN: FISHERMAN'S SONGS ACROSS THE WUSULI RIVER Fishing in All Seasons Fish-Skin Clothes and Birch-Bark Boats Merry Dog SledsDAUR: THOUSAND-YEAR HISTORY OF PLAYING HOCKEY Home of Hockey Shaman: A Bridge to the SupernaturalEWENKh THE LAST HUNTING TRIBE Following Reindeer Anywhere Birch-Bark FascinationUYGUR: LITTLE FLOWERY HATS BY THE TIANSHAN MOUNTAINS The Singing and Dancing of Twelve Muqams Beautiful Costumes Delicious Food on the Silk RoadTU: THE RAINBOW NATIONALITY AND ITS UNIQUE SONGS The Popular Regong Art Rainbow Costumes Folk SongsKAZAK: LOVERS OF HORSES AND EAGLES Training Eagles in Mountains and on Grasslands Musicians Who Play Dombera The Exciting Game of "Girls'Chase"HUI: DEVOUT MUSLIMS Entering the Islamic Culture Unique Islamic ConstructionsKIRGIZ: BORN FROM A HEROIC EPIC Homeric Epic in China-Manas Beautiful Artwork of Tu xi tu ke Countless Uses of Camel HideTIBETAN: ON THE ROOF OF THE WORLD Age-Old Tibetan Buddhist Culture New Looks of Old Tibetan Opera Fascinating CostumesDAI: BUDDHIST TEMPLES AND BAMBOO HOUSES Devout Buddhist Followers Water-Splashing Festival Elephant-Foot DrumsDONG: GRAND SONG SINGERS Singing across the Mountains The Charm of Unique Drum Houses Wind-and-Rain BridgesHANI: PAINTING MASKS FOR HEAVENLY GODS Thousand-Year-Old Terraced Fields Mushroom HousesMIAO: WEARING HISTORY ON COSTUMES Chiming Silver Ornaments Graceful Wax Printing Elegant Pictures on Woven BrocadeNAXI: THE LAST LAND OF WOMEN Strange but Romantic Weddings Grand Ceremony for Adulthood Dongba Culture-The Naxi People's EncyclopediaQIANG: WATCHTOWERS IN HENGDUAN MOUNTAINS Watchtowers Ancient Paths Rope BridgesVA: DRUMBEATS THAT TRANSCEND HISTORY Thunderous Drumming Fascinating DancesTUJIA: LIVING IN HIGH MOUNTAINS Joyful at Funerals Weeping at Weddings The Age-Old Nuo OperaZHUANG: THE ETHNIC MINORITY OF THE LARGEST POPULATION The Singing Festival Brocade Embroidery Raised Houses Sitting on StakesLI: AT THE EDGE OF THE WORLD Tattoos about to Disappear Dancing to Get BlessingsGAOSHAN: CALLS FROM MOUNT ALl Colorful Clothes Highly Spirited "Hair-Shaking" Dance Twin-Cups Wine Offered with Utmost SincerityAPPENDIX: DISTRIBUTION OF THE ETHNIC GROUPS IN CHINA





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