
出版时间:2006-6  出版社:次仁央宗、邵达、李金慧、 刘浚 五洲传播出版社 (2006-06出版)  作者:次仁央宗  页数:272  译者:方仁杰  


Studying the life of aristocratic families in Tibetan history is a rather dif-ficult topic for Tibetologists. A General Survey of Tibet Autonomous Region pub-lished in 1984 summarized five sources that form a Tibetan aristocracy:”First,descendants of the Tubo royal family, the ancient regime's ministers and local chieftains(major slaveholders);second,descendants of hereditary dukes and headmen appointed by the central governments of the Yuan,Ming and Qing dynasties;third,noblemen who received their titles from all previous Dalai Lamas;fourth,relatives of Pan chen Erdeni and the nobles in the Tsang region under the jurisdiction of the Pan chen  Lab rang;and fifth,the Khut ukhtu family's members including Sakya Hierarch and the officials corn-ing under its command.”


Tsering Yangdzom, born in Lhasa, is a researchfellow with the Institute of Social Economy, ChinaTibetology Research Center. She is co-author ofSeries of General Survey of China." Lhasa, Vicis-situdes of Families in Tibet Over the Past 40 Years,Life of Luou District Residents in Lhasa, SocialConformation of Tibetan Feudal Serfdom, andSurvey and Research Concerning Tibet's Com-merce and Handicraft Industry. She has also pub-lished a number of academic papers including"Basic Conditions and Development of Educationin Lhasa," "Education Issues During the EconomicDevelopment in the River Basins of Yalu Tsangpo,Lhasa and Nyang Qu," "The Formation and Evo-lution of Bkr-shis-lhun-po-dgon in TashilhunpoMonastery," "Pottery Art in Tibet," "Concerning theAristocratic Families in Tibetan History," "TheLhasa Aristocracy's Custom of Celebrating the Lu-nar New Year in Old Tibet," and "Marriage andFamilies of the Aristocracy in Old Tibet."




PrefaceIntroduction  Area of Study  Source of DataPart One: Group Image of the Aristocracy in a Hierarchical Society  Chapter ⅠThe Dominant Yab-gzhis Families    Section 1 From the First to the Sixth Dalai Lama    Section 2 The Seventh Dalai Lama and His Family    Section 3 The Deification of Yab-gzhis Families    Section 4 A Case Study: Continuation of the Lhalu Lineage  Chapter Ⅱ The sDe-dpon Families of Noble Descent    Section I Epitome of the Aristocracy    Section 2 Prominent Families    Section 3 A Case Study: the Phalha Family  Chapter Ⅲ Authority Arising from Mi-drag Families    Section I Hierarchical Changes in a Stagnant Society    Section 2 Concept of Honor    Section 3 Struggling for Aristocratic Status  Chapter Ⅳ General Aristocratic Families    Section i Aspiring for Power and Honor    Section 2 In Persistent Pursuit of Opportunities    Section 3 Peaceful Mind in Boundless Changes    Section 4 Adhering to the Past and Relaxing in the PresentPart Two: Tibetan Aristocrats Who Stress 'Location'  Chapter Ⅴ The Solid Wall of Family    Section I Components and Honors of Aristocratic Society    Section 2 Family Structures: Polyandry and Polygamy    Section 3 Basic Family Structure and Aristocrats' Residences    Section 4 Emotional Relations among Family Members and Subordinates  Chapter Ⅵ The Contract of Marriage and the Status of Women    Section I Matrimonial Concepts and Matrimonial Relationships    Section 2 Boundary and Limits of Marriage    Section 3 Romantic Forms, Stiff Content    Section 4 Women's Position Revealed in Marriage  Chapter Ⅶ Children's Upbringing    Section I Concept of Samsara and Family Affections    Section 2 Upbringing of the Children of the Nobles    Section 3 Childhood -- First Step into Society    Section 4 Relations Between Individuals, Family and Society  Chapter Ⅷ Life of the Aristocracy    Section I Etiquette and Religious Enthusiasm    Section 2 Tibetan New Year Celebration: Religious and Secular    Section 3 Food and Attire    Section 4 Gone with the WindBibliographyPostscript


插图:Chinese and foreign researchers have had penetrating views on the subject of Tibetan history, which have served as the starting point of systematic and comparative studies in This book is not a local chronicle of Tibet but concentrates on the 1ibetan aristocratic families during the period of 1900-1950,as shown by its title. Hereditary system adopted by the nobility described and discussed here is directly related to the political and economic structures in Tibet before the1950s.Therefore,the establishment of some models is necessary for an overall understanding of the family life of the aristocracy. First,when did aristocratic families emerge from the Tibetan society?No-body seems to have specialized in this subject. of numerous documents about Tibet's social system,only two books,A General Survey of Tibet Autonomous Region(Tibet People's Publishing House,1984)and Petech's Aristocracy and Government in Tibet,1728-1959(Roma,Istituto italiano peril Medio ed EstremnOriente,1973;its Chinese version translated by Shen Weirong and Song Liming,was published by China Tihe tology Publishing House in 1990)have touched upon this question. In the former are listed five kinds of aristocrats in ahistorical view:”First. descendants of the four  royal family, and of the ancientregime's ministers and 10cal chieftains(major slaveholders);second,descendants of hereditary dukes and headmen appointed by the central governments of the Yuan,Ming and Qing dynasties;third,noblemen who received their titles from all previous Dalai Lamas;fourth, relatives of Pan chen Erdeni and the noblesin the Tsang region under the jurisdiction of the Panchen Labrang;and fifth,the khutukhtu family's members including Sakya Hierarch and officials coming1inder its command”






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