出版时间:2005-6 出版社:五洲传播出版社 作者:彭训厚 页数:173 字数:100000 译者:李国庆
《世界反法西斯战争中的中国》一书重点介绍了中国的抗日战争始终是亚太地区抗击法西斯的主战场,中国人民通过流血牺牲,在反法西斯战争中形成世界四大国之一的历史地位。在二战中,中国人民虽然饱受了巨大的战争苦难,可仍然用自己有限的力量,援助了一大批外国人。《犹太人在中国》、《犹太人在天津》等,围绕这个主题再现了历史真实事件。与此同时,中国的抗战也得到了世界许多国家的支持和援助,《历史的记忆》、《陈纳德与飞虎队》、《驼峰空运》和《营救杜利特尔轰炸机队》分别记录了著名的“飞虎队”、“驼峰”、“杜利特尔”等重大事件。这些书出版后先后在美国国会大厦、美国空军博物馆和德州布什总统图书馆展出和收藏,在美国政界、军界和参加过中国抗战的美国老兵中引起了极大反响。 本书为英文版。
PrefaceChapterI By Opening the First Large Battlefield against Fascism, China Raised the Curtain on the International AntifascistChapterII China′s sustained war against Japan disrupted Germany, Japan and Italy′s strategic plan, while providing support and copperation to the European and Asian-Pacific war against Fascism. Chia became the East′s major battleground in the fight against Japanese Fascism.ChapterIII China′s Anti'Japanese Battlefront Was a Significant Strategic Support, a Rear Base and Military Intelligence Base for the Allied Forces in the Asia-Pacific Region, Directly Assisting and Cooperating with the Allied Forces in the Anti'fascist Struggle.ChapterIV The Whole Range of Unique Military Theory and Experience of Defeating a Stronger Enemy Gained from China's Anti-Japanese World Anti-Fascist War.ChapterV China Made Great Contributions to the Establishment of the World's Anti- Fascist United Front, and Established Itself as a Major country.