出版时间:2003-12 出版社:五洲传播出版社 作者:焦波 页数:161
《中国百姓故事.2(英文)》A famous Peking Opera performer、The teenage photo competition judge、The conquerors of Mt.Qomolangma、My dad and my mom、The real estate tycoon who aims high等。
Constructors of the Three Gorges ProjectThe "Shoemaking King"in ChinaThe mother at the children's villageGene scientistsA famous Peking Opera performerThe teenage photo competition judgeThe conquerors of Mt.QomolangmaMy dad and my momThe real estate tycoon who aims highThe "Printers'Family"Medical workers in SARS wardsA five-person hilltop school"The flying girl"Signal watchers at the foot of the Goddess PeakThe inner-painting artist in Xi'anTo prevent recurrence of tragedyThe doctor of medicine"The Spider Men"The on-train mall escortsZhang Ming and his music libraryTea growers on the Xuefeng MountainA dutiful son from TaiwanThe maker of woodprint New Year picturesThe fun-seekerA female boss on the Balkor StreetThe urbanite-turned farmerThe Olympic fever in the Beijing HutongsThe Oriental Dancing Goddess
无论是中国的汉民族还是少数民族,无论从事这一行业还是从事那一行业,无论有过这种经历还是有过那种经历,也无论男女老少,他们既是中国这一株历史悠久的大树的枝叶,也是它的根须。“改革开放”使中国变化了;中国之变化使他们每一个人的生活和命运也都变化了;而他们的变化,又反过来促进中国发生更大的变化。 这是一本摄影画册,它当得起《中国百姓故事》这样的书名。 除普通百姓外,这一本画册中,也呈现了几位著名的成功人士的人生状态--如舞蹈家陈爱莲、“双星”鞋业集团的老总汪海、成功的房地产商王石,他们都是我们认识的。今天,在中国、汪海、王石那样的实业家,是越来越多了。他们的事业对于中国改革开放,具有无可质疑的推动意义。(本书为英文版)