
出版时间:2011-11  出版社:水利水电出版社  作者:中华人民共和国水利部 编  页数:51  字数:145000  




1 General
2 Quantity of Water Resources
3 Water Storage
4 Development and Utilization of Water Resources
5 Water Quality
6 Important Water Events


版权页:插图:Water quality was evaluated for 176-000km of river reaches in 2010.On the yearly basis,6l-4%of the total evaluated river reaches had a water quality of Classes I~III.which was 2.5 percentage points higher than that inthe last year.For provincial-border water bodies.water quality was evaluated for 339 monitoring sites on rivers,of which 5 1.3%had a water quality of Classes I-III on the yearly basis.In addition,water quality was evaluatedfor 99 lakes and 437 reservoirs.and 58.9%of the lakes and 78 0%of the reservoirs had a water quality of Classes I.III;and trophic state was evaluated for 99 Iakes and 420 reservoirs and 65.7%of the lakes and 30.7%of the reservoirs were in a eutrophic state.Water quality criterion compliance was evaluated for 3,902 waterfunction zones and the rate of criterion compliance reached 46.0%on the yearly basis.





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