
出版时间:1970-1  出版社:水利水电出版社  作者:肖冉  页数:262  




肖冉(Mike Xiao),最受欢迎的英语教育推广者,拥有多年一线教学经验,台湾陈光英语超强记忆法特约顾问,同时也是成就颇丰的出版人,出版过《边品美国文化边学英文:基础篇》、《边品美国文化边学英文:高级篇》、《Yep!英语超幽默,学习不寂寞》、《比尔.盖茨是教出来的》等作品。


Chapter One  An Introduction to the United Kingdom(了解英国)	1. The Territory of U.K(领土范围)2. The Geography of U.K.(地理状况)	3. Rivers and Lakes(河流湖泊)	4. Climate and Weather(自然气候)	5. Resources(资源)	6. The British National Anthem and the Union Jack(国歌国旗)	Chapter Two  British Politics(政治概况)	1. The Government and Politics in U.K(英国政治制度)	2. The Queen's Role/ The Monarchy(英国王室)	3. The Parliamentary Government(政府议会)	4. The British Commonwealth(英联邦) 	5. The British Constitution(英国宪法)	6. Political Parties(英国政党)	7. Elections and Voting(选举制度)	Chapter Three  British Education(教育概况)	1. Education System(教育体系)	2. Elementary School, Junior and Senior High School(初、中等教育)	3. Higher-education(高等教育)	4. Educational Issues(教育争端)	5. Public and Private Schools(公立与私立学校)	6. Education of Students with Special Needs(特殊教育)	Chapter Four  Multicultural Britain(英国的多元文化) 	1. The Introduction of British Culture(英国文化概况)	2. Humor as Entertainment (英式幽默)	3. English Football(英式足球)	4. Youth 'Tribes' and Sub-cultures(青年亚文化) 	5. The Proms(逍遥音乐节)	6. Great Highland Bagpipe and the Scottish Kilt(苏格兰风笛与短裙)	7. The Edinburgh Fringe(爱丁堡边缘艺术节)	8. Strict Etiquette(英国礼俗)	Chapter Five  British Cities(英国城市)	1. London, the Capital of England(英格兰首府伦敦) 	2. Edinburgh, the Capital of Scotland(苏格兰首府爱丁堡)	3. Birmingham, Industrial Boom Town in England(工业城市伯明翰)	4. Glasgow, a City of Travel, Culture and Architectural Art(文化艺术中心格拉斯哥)	5. Liverpool, a City of Innovation(创新之都利物浦)	6. Manchester, One of the Most Vibrant City in Europe(动感之都曼彻斯特)	7. Newcastle upon Tyne, the City of Entertainment in England(娱乐城市纽卡斯尔)	8. Cambridge, the Most Famous City of Learning in Britain(学术之都剑桥)	Chapter Six  British Economy(经济概况)	1. British Economy System(英国经济体制)	2. European Union(欧盟)	3. British Industry(英国工业)	4. British Business (英国商业)	5. British Agriculture(英国农业)	6. British Transportation(英国交通)	7. British Banking(英国金融业)	8. The National Health Service(英国医疗服务制度)	Chapter Seven  Food and Drink(英国饮食)	1. The Breakfast (早餐)	2. High Tea(英式下午茶)	3. Fast Food (Fish and Chips)(快餐)	4. The Way of Cooking(烹饪方式)	5. Different Kinds of Beverages(品种丰富的饮料)	6. Irish Whisky(爱尔兰威士忌)	Chapter Eight  British Lives(英式缤纷生活)	1. Customs in Daily Life(日常生活习惯)	2. The Taboo Subjects(社交禁忌)	3. The Family(英国家庭)	4. Living with the British(与英国人交往)	5. British Wedding(英式婚礼)	6. Moral Values in Daily Life(文化传统)	7. British Funerals(英式葬礼)	8. The Class System(社会等级)	Chapter Nine  Time Out(娱乐生活)	1. "Casual" Is Good(休闲态度)	2. Shopping(购物)	3. Sporting Life(体育)	4. Horse Racing (赛马)	5. DIY and Gardening(DIY设计)	6. Travel in Holidays(假日旅行)	7. Soap Operas(肥皂剧)	8. Down the Pub(泡吧)	Chapter Ten  Places of Interest in Britain(风景名胜)	1. Big Ben(大本钟)	2. Tower of London(伦敦塔)	3. British Museum(大英博物馆) 	4. Buckingham palace(白金汉宫)	5. Edinburgh Castle(爱丁堡城堡)	6. Royal Greenwich Observatory(格林威治天文台)	7. Hyde Park(海德公园) 	8. Hampton Court Palace(汉普顿宫)	9. Westminster Abbey(西敏寺)	10. Stonehenge(巨石阵)	Chapter Eleven  The Famous People of British(英国名人)	1. William Shakespeare(莎士比亚)	2. Issac Newton(牛顿)	3. Adam Smith(亚当•斯密)	4. Dickens Charles(查尔斯•狄更斯)	5. George Gordon Byron(拜伦)	6. Duke of Windsor(温莎公爵)	7. Queen Victoria(维多利亚女王)	8. Margaret Thatcher(撒切尔夫人)	9. Winston Churchill(丘吉尔)	10. David Beckham(贝克汉姆)	Chapter Twelve  British Festivals(英国节日)	1. Christmas Day(圣诞节) 	2. Easter Day (复活节)	3. The May Day(五朔节)	4. Boxing Day(节礼日)	5. New Year's Day(元旦)	6. Halloween, All Saints' Day(万圣节)	7. Passiontide(基督受难日)	8. Queen's Birthday(女王官方诞辰日)	9. Valentine's Day(情人节)	10. April Fool's Day(愚人节)



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