出版时间:2010-5 出版社:中国水利水电 作者:大耳朵工作室 页数:322
本书共分为三大板块,板块一对国际音标的背景知识做了简单介绍,板块二、三分别详细解析了音标的两大家族:辅音和元音。在音标讲解过程中,配备直观易学的发音口型图,帮助读者正确理解口型、发音器官、振动和气流等发音方式。从音标过渡到字母,字母过渡到单词、句子,再练习趣味绕口令复习音标,最后通过聆听外籍专家朗读的短文培养语感。本书收录的单词、短语、例句贴近生活,实用性强,并配以汉语释义,便于学习者在学习英语国际音标的同时,扩大词汇量和口语要素。 每天5分钟,锻造你完美的英语发音。本书馈赠含多媒体互动软件的MP3光盘,录音由美籍外教Sasan Robert Salek和Alexandra Octavia录制。
The Winter Olympics is also called the、White Olympics.At this time.many colourful stamps are published to mark the great Games.The firststamps marking the opening came out on January 25,1932 in the United States for the 3rd、White Olympics.From then on.publishing stamps duringthe White Olympics became a rule. During the 4th Winter Olympic Games a group of stamps werepublished in Germany in November 1935.The five rings ofOlympics wereprinted on the front ofthe sportswear.It was the first time that the symbolappeared on the stamps ofthe White Olympics. In the 1950s the stamps of this kind became more colourful.Whenthe White Olympics came.the host countries as well as the non-hostcountries published stamps to mark those Games. China also published four stamps in February 1980,when the Chinesesportsmen began to march into the area ofthe、Ⅳhite Olympics.
《每天5分钟国际音标超好学》语音达人健康发音训练法。只要5分钟,用看八卦的5分钟,偷菜的5分钟,转帖的5分钟,或者发呆的5分钟……你得到的是最实用的英语发音!每天投资5分钟,加入高薪人员的行列! 板块一:磨刀不误砍柴工 板志二:辅音沙场秋点兵 板块三:元音庆典大阅兵 羡慕别人漂亮的英语发音?没有时间参加培训课程? 第天5分钟,轻松漫步三大板块,忙碌的你也可以拥有超富魅力的完美语音!