
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:水利水电出版社  作者:大耳朵工作室  页数:242  


本书以《新概念英语2》教材为核心,专门为提高英语听说能力的学习者而编写。全书着重于英语听力基本功的训练,共设计有8个训练项目:单词听写、教材例句听写、补充例句听写、情景会话补写、数字识别、国家地名识别、高考听力试题演练和短文赏听。全书共分成36课,与《新概念英语2》教材课文同步对应。学习者可以在完成教材的阶段学习之后,以本书为主,进一步强化听力的训练。    本书配套的MP3录音时间长达19小时,录音由9名外教录制,不同的训练项目之间配有中文引导语,适合学习者采用课堂式的练习模式,逐步提高听说技能。


第1课(针对课文:1~3)第2课(针对课文:4-6)第3课(针对课文:7-9)第4课(针对课文:10~12)第5课(针对课文:13~15)第6课(针对课文:16~18)第7课(针对课文:19~21)第8课(针对课文:22~24)第9课(针对课文:25~27)第10课(针对课文:28~30)第11课(针对课文:31~33)第12课(针对课文:34~36)第13课(针对课文:37~39)第14课(针对课文:40~42)第15课(针对课文:43~5)第16课(针对课文:46~48)第17课(针对课文:49~51)第18课(针对课文:52~54)第19课(针对课文:55~57)第20课(针对课文:58~60)第21课(针对课文:61~63)第22课(针对课文:64~66)第23课(针对课文:67~69)第24课(针对课文:70~72)第25课(针对课文:73~74)第26课(针对课文:75~76)第27课(针对课文:77~78)第28课(针对课文:79~80)第29课(针对课文:81~82)第30课(针对课文:83~84)第31课(针对课文:85~86)第32课(针对课文:87-88)第33课(针对课文:89~90)第34课(针对课文:91~92)第35课(针对课文:93~94)第36课(针对课文:95~96)听力原文附录一 常见英文国家及城市名称附录二 常用听力应试技巧


  After the official ban on motorcycles and electriccycles, bikes are set to return to the major urbanstreets of Guangzhou, according to the city planning bureau. "Bikes are especially necessary andconvenient for the people with a lower income in the city, who can save a lot of money by riding a biketo work," said Mr. Chen. "So, bike lanes should be restored or built in the citys major streets." Thelocal planning bureau is positive on Mr. Chens proposal. The city is planning to set up more parkingplaces for bikes in the residential buildings, especially those near the subway stations to ease theparking situation.  The word "discovery" literally means, uncovering something thats hidden from view. But whatreally happens is a change in the viewer. The familiar offers comfort few can resist, and fewer still wantto disturb. But as relatively recent inventions such as the telescope and microscope have taught us, theunknown has many layers. Every truth has geological strata, and you cant have orthodoxy without aheresy.  The moment a newborn opens its eyes, discovery begins. I learned this with a laugh one morningafter delivering a calf. When it lifted up its fluffy head and locked at me, its eyes held the absolutebewilderment of the newly born. A moment before it had t.12e even black nowhere of the womb, andsuddenly its world was full of color, movement and noise. Ive never seen anything so shocked to bealive.



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用户评论 (总计10条)


  •   配合新概念教材的听力书
  •   这套听力书很注重基础知识的训练,循序渐进!对于提高听力能力特别有帮助!
  •   分课操练,循序渐进
  •   这个商品不错,真快,会经常光顾的
  •   不错,速度快,满意
  •   到货速度挺快。还没有来得及看。。。。感觉不错
  •   蛮不错的!!但好像选错了!!也会做啦!!还可以!!
  •   55。。好难。。。听力念得超快,感觉比较适合高中生。当然题是出的还可以,特别是每一课的最后都有一篇付音乐的小短文,可以在紧张的半小时听力后小小放松一下。
  •   1、有很好的排版,是正版书;2、价格很实惠,物美价廉;3、内容与新概念联系得很紧;
  •   有点难,超出新概念2掌握的同步生词,有些听不懂。这书可能要全学完新概念2册后,再考虑用较合适。

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