
出版时间:2008-8  出版社:水利水电出版社  作者:任杰超 编  页数:245  


  自2005年全国大学英语四、六级考试改革项目组和全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会制定了《全国大学英语四、六级考试改革方案(试行)》以来,四、六级改革按照预定的进程稳步推进。2006年6月在全国180所试点院校进行了四级新题型试测、2006年12月在全国高校范围内实施了第一次四级新题型考试。六级考试改革紧跟其后,2006年12月在全国180所试点院校进行了六级新题型试测、2007年6月在全国高校范围内实施大学英语六级新题型考试,至此在完成了改革最初的阵痛之后,四、六级改革终于全新登场。  它的亮相使众多学子在终于摆脱合格证这个曾经挥之不去的梦魇之后,其心情可谓欣然。然而喜悦之余,我们更要进一步的叩问:改革后的四、六级意味着什么?是“两耳不闻英语事,一心只读专业书”,从此与艰苦的英语学习一刀两断?在对外交流日益广泛,英语人才极其匮乏的今天,答案定是非然。纵观新四、六级考卷,整体感觉是在变化与不变之间寻找一个平衡点:  首先,考试的权威性没有变。


本套丛书由从事大学英语教学与六级辅导的一线教师精心编写,旨在帮助考生全面、系统地了解大学英语六级新题型考试的阅读题型,掌握阅读考试的真谛。《六级阅读全题型突破》分册内容紧扣《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》和《大学英语六级考试(CET-6)试点考试样卷》的精神,突出“讲练结合,以练为主”的特点。《六级阅读全题型突破》分为三部:第一部分剖析大学英语六级考试阅读新题型和应试策略,第二部分为实战演练 ,提供了10套练习题供考生练习、揣摩使用,第三部分是答案与辨析,对前面所给的练习题进行详尽地讲解与辨析。    《六级阅读全题型突破》适用于参加大学英语六级考试的在校大学生,同时,也可以作为考研备考和教师备课的参考资料。


第一章 剖析大学英语六级新题型之阅读第二章 专项训练 Test One  Test Two Test Three Test Four Test Five Test Six  Test Seven Test Eight Test Nine Test Ten附录 答案与解析


  Why this goal?  Education is about giving people the opportunity to developtheir potential, their personality and their strengths. This does notmerely mean learning new knowledge, but also developing abilitiesto make the most of life. These are called life skills——including theinner capacities and the practical skills we need.  Many of the inner capacities——often known as psycho-socialskills——cannot be taught as subjects. They are not the same asacademic or technical learning. They must rather be modeled andpromoted as part of learning, and in particular by teachers. Theseskills have to do with the way we behave——towards other people,towards ourselves, towards the challenges and problems of life. Theyinclude skills in communicating, in making decisions and solvingproblems, in negotiating and expressing ourselves, in thinkingcritically and understanding our feelings. More practical life skillsare the kinds of manual skills we need for the physical tasks we face.Some would include vocational skills under the heading of life skills——the ability to lay bricks, sew clothes, catch fish or repair a motorbike.These are skills by which people may earn their livelihood and whichare often available to young people leaving school. In fact, very oftenyoung people learn psycho-social skills as they learn more practicalskills. Learning vocational skills can be a strategy for acquiring bothpractical and psycho-social skills.  We need to increase our life skills at every stage of life, solearning them may be part of early childhood education, of primaryand secondary education and of adult learning groups.



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