出版时间:2008-8 出版社:水利水电出版社 作者:易学通英语工作室 页数:252
本书由执教《新概念英语》多年的一线教师精心编著,与权威英语教材《新概念英语》(新版)第二册同步配套。全书对原教材的知识点进行了系统和完整的归纳,以介绍学习方法和强化技能训练为导向,在书中设计了“词汇跟读”、“重点词汇”、“参考答案”、“背诵提示”、“拓展阅读”和“单元测试”等栏目。既能帮助学习者有效地掌握课文知识,又补充了原书语言素材不足的缺陷,使所有的学习需求都能够一步到位,可以说是学习《新概念英语》的最佳参考书。 本书还配有“词汇跟读”和“单词听写”朗读录音的MP3文件,学习者可以登陆我社网站www.waterpub.com.cn免费下载。
修订说明致英语学习者Lesson 1Lesson 2Lesson 3 Test 1Lesson 4Lesson 5Lesson 6 Test 2Lesson 7Lesson 8Lesson 9 Test 3Lesson 10Lesson 11Lesson 12 Test 4Lesson 13Lesson 14Lesson 15 Test 5Lesson 16Lesson 17Lesson 18 Test 6Lesson 19Lesson 20Lesson 21 Test 7Lesson 22Lesson 23Lesson 24 Test 8Lesson 25Lesson 26Lesson 27 Test 9Lesson 28Lesson 29Lesson 30 Test 10Lesson 31Lesson 32Lesson 33Test 11Lesson 34Lesson 35Lesson 36 Test 12Lesson 37Lesson 38Lesson 39 Test 13Lesson 40Lesson 41Lesson 42 Test 14Lesson 43Lesson 44Lesson 45 Test 15Lesson 46Lesson 47Lesson 48 Test 16Lesson 49Lesson 50Lesson 51 Test 17Lesson 52Lesson 53Lesson 54 Test 18Lesson 55Lesson 56Lesson 57 Test 19Lesson 58Lesson 59Lesson 60 Test20Lesson 61Lesson 62Lesson 63 Test 21Lesson 64Lesson 65Lesson 66 Test22Lesson 67Lesson 68Lesson 69 Test 23Lesson 70Lesson 71Lesson 72 Test 24Lesson 73Lesson 74Lesson 75Lesson 76Lesson 77Lesson 78Lesson 79Lesson 80Lesson 81Lesson 82Lesson 83Lesson 84Lesson 85Lesson 86Lesson 87Lesson 88Lesson 89Lesson 90Lesson 91Lesson 92Lesson 93Lesson 94Lesson 95Lesson 96Keys to Test附录:如何学好《新概念英语》
Test 4 1The population in China_______very large and 80 percent of the population_______peasants Aare,is BiS,are Care,are DiSiS 2_______she was,the assistant was eager to serve her this time AWas not realizing BCould not realizing CNot realizing DRealizing not 3The doctor told him that he would have to stay in hospital for two weeks Aothers Bthe other Canother Dother 4He dropped the_____________________and broke it Acoffee cup Bcup for coffee Ccoffee’S cup Dcup of coffee 5 I am ever than Joe Amore less lucky B1uckier C1ucky D1ess lucky 6This is the______________to the improvement fo their living conditions Aknot Bkid Ckeyboard Dkey 7I_______go for a walk_______watch the film Ahad better,than Bwould rather,than Cwould than,rather Dthan。would rather 8I need some_______totie upthis parcel Apaper Bstring Csticks Dcloth 9This iS Johnson Allan GreenWe can call him AJohnson Green BM rJohnson CML Allan DMrGreen 10There were six people at the table and they asked the waiter for_______and_______ Atwo cup oftea,four cup ofcoffee Btwo teas,four coffees Ctwo teas,four coflee Dtwo cups oftea,four coffee 11Twenty percent of the teachers in our school are Awoman’S teachers Bwoman teachers Cwomen’S teachers Dwomen teachers 12You will enjoy_____________here if you pay attention to our street signs Ato staying Byou to stay Cyour staying Dto stay