
出版时间:2005-9  出版社:中国水利水电出版社  作者:中国国家灌溉排水委员会  页数:81  字数:126000  


Chapter 1 Overview  1.1 Physical Gegraphy  1.2 Water Resources  1.3 Social Economy  1.4 Drought and Flood disasters  1.5 Overview of China's Water Conservancy DevelopmentChapter 2 Irrigation  2.1 Irrigation Development  2.2 Typical Irrigation SchemesChapter 3 Drainage  3.1 Distribution of Waterlogged and Saline Land  3.2 Control over Waterlogging  3.3 Controlling Waterlogged LandChapter 4 Management and Reform  4.1 Administrative Management and System  4.2 Laws and Policies  4.3 Irrigation District Management System  4.4 Water Tariffs  4.5 Diversified EconomyChapter 5 Research and Technology Dissemination  5.1 Research Instiutions  5.2 Developing Scientists and Technicians  5.3 Research and Development on Technologies  5.4 Technology Extesion and Service System  5.5 Technical exchangesProspects



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