出版时间:2004-4 出版社:中国水利水电出版社 作者:刘汉龙 页数:185 字数:284000
The book has 9 chapters, and they are developed by Prof. The work presented in this book could not have been completed without the help and encouragement of many people. Deeply thanks to Professor J.K.Vrijing from Delft University of Technology ,the Netherlands and Professor Suo Lisheng from Ministry of Water Resources, China, for their many valuable discussions and detailed comments on the book. 本书是河海大学和荷兰大学的合作项目的成果总结,全书用英文写作,是国内第一本堤防工程方面的英文书,可供设计人员参考,也可供学生、教师学习专业英文。
Preface1.Introduction2.Function of Dikes 2.1 General 2.2 Type of dikes3.Boundary Conditions 3.1 General 3.2 Hydraulic boundary conditions 3.3 Geotechnical boundary conditions 3.4 Social economy and environment 3.5 Local conditions 3.6 The other load conditions4.Failure Mechanismas and Analysis 4.1 General 4.2 Types of failure mechanism 4.3 Wave run-up and overtopping analysis 4.4 Seepage analysis 4.5 Stability analysis 4.6 Settlement analysis 4.7 Revetment5.Dike Design 5.1 General 5.2 Dike alignment 5.3 Maerial evaluation 5.4 Dike profile 5.5 Standard of earth filing6.Dike Construction 6.1 General 6.2 Construction Investigation 6.3 Construction planning 6.4 Construction aspects 6.5 Construction quality control7.Dike Management and Maintenance8.Dike Stabilization and Emergency Remedy9.Case StudiesBibliography