
出版时间:2000-11  出版社:中国水利水电出版社  作者:黄冠华  页数:343  字数:731000  


foreword  some topics on developing water-saving irrigation  the future of irrigation:climate trends and uncertainties  rainwater harvesting project in gansu province  safe and sus tainable use of sewage effluents for irrigation  water use efficiency of grain crops on irrigated fieled  from theories through models and laboratories to field implementation  promoting the sustainable use  of water resources by readjusting agricultural production structure in the yellow river basin  drip irrigation technology and state western area development strategyfertigation in china  RDI-the new technique of water saving irrigation management in china  strategic considerations of efficient irrigation and salinity control on hetao plain of inner mongolia  estimation of agricultural water consumption in north area  suggestion for developing water-saving irrigation in shandong province  21st century's water saving in agriculture of beijing city  nitrogen movement in 2-dimensional saturated-unsaturated soil  an analytical solution of effective jnsaturated hydraulic condu ctivity  ……



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