出版时间:2009-8 出版社:中国电力出版社 作者:周彧 编 页数:139 字数:176000
随着计算机技术的发展和网络的普及,人类已经进入了“信息时代”。计算机的应用已渗透到国民经济与人们生活的各个角落,日益改变着人类传统的生活方式和工作方式。英语作为计算机及IT业的行业性语言,是了解计算机技术最直接最便利的语言工具,无论是学习新的计算机技术,还是使用新的计算机软、硬件产品,都离不开对计算机英语的熟练掌握。本书旨在让学生掌握计算机专业英语词汇,了解计算机专业的基本知识,提高阅读及理解专业英文资料的能力,还系统地介绍了求职信、英文摘要等实用英语写作要点。 本书共分为5章,涵盖了计算机硬件、计算机软件、计算机网络知识、数据库、多媒体等内容。考虑到提高学生专业技能的要求,还增加了实用英语写作的内容。附录包括计算机英语专业词汇和缩写词。 本书由周或组织编写及统稿。其中第1~3章及实用写作部分由周或和高涛编写,第4、第5章及附录部分由周欣编写。 由于编者水平有限,书中难免有不当和疏漏之处,敬请读者不吝赐教。
本书是一本计算机专业英语教材,全书由5章和附录组成,涵盖了计算机硬件、计算机软件、计算机网络知识、数据库、多媒体等内容。考虑到提高学生专业技能的要求,还增加了实用英语写作的内容。附录包括计算机英语专业词汇和缩写词。每节的内容包括课文、重点词汇和缩写词、练习、阅读材料、实用写作等几部分。 本教材可作为高职高专计算机类专业的专业英语教材,也可供相应水平的读者与技术人员参考使用。
前言Chapter 1 HardwareChapter 2 SoftwareChapter 3 Computer Network KnowledgeChapter 4 MultimediaChapter 5 Database附录A 常用计算机英语词汇附录B 计算机常用英文缩写词参考文献
Take a look at the computer in front of you. No, not just the screen. Look at all of the other parts. Do you know what they are? Do you know what they do? If you already know, great! Give yourself a big pat on the back! But if you dont know about all the gadgets surrounding your computer, then read on and find out! The Basics Lets start with the center of any computer system. Do you see something shaped like a box nearby? It will have a power switch and a light or two. It should also have a place or places to insert disks. This is the case that houses all of the important computer components. If it stands up tall, it is a tower case. If it sits flat, it is a desktop case. Now look at the back of the computer, You will see lots of cords and cables coming out of the back of the case and going to other computer parts like the monitor. Your computer case probably has a place to insert floppy disks or CDs. These are called the floppy disk drive and the CD-ROM. The floppy disk drive reads information from a very thin disk that is inside a flat, square plastic case. You can also write information to these disks and "save" it. CD-ROM is short for Compact Disk Read Only Memory. A compact disk is a shiny, circular disk that stores information. A CD-ROM can only read information from the disk. Many new computers have a CD-RW (RW stands for ReWrite) instead of a CD-ROM. CD-RW allows you to write information to the disk as well as read from it. Also, some computers have a DVD (Digital Video Disk) drive instead of a CD-ROM or CD-RW. A DVD looks just like a CD, but it holds much more information. You can watch movies, listen to music, or play computer games from DVDs. One important thing to know is that you can play CDs in a DVD player, but you cannot play DVDs in a CD player!