
出版时间:2009-1  出版社:中国电力出版社  作者:蔡章兵,孙洪霞 编  页数:244  




Week OneMonday VocabularyTuesday GrammarWednesday VocabularyThursday GrammarFriday Vocabulary and GrammarWeekend本周说“词”、本周说“法”Week TwoMonday VocabularyTuesday GrammarWednesday VocabularyThursday GrammarFriday Vocabulary and GrammarWeekend本周说“词”、本周说“法”Week ThreeMonday VocabularyTuesday GrammarWednesday VocabularyThursday GrammarFriday Vocabulary and GrammarWeekend本周说“词”、本周说“法”Week FourMonday VocabularyTuesday GrammarWednesday VocabularyThursday GrammarFriday Vocabulary and Grammarweekend本周说“词”、本周说“法”Week FiveMonday VocabularyTuesday GrammarWednesday VocabularyThursday GrammarFriday Vocabulary and GrammarWeekend本周说“词”、本周说“法”Week SixMonday VocabularyTuesday GrammarWednesday VocabularyThursday GrammarFriday Vocabulary and GrammarWeekend本周说“词”、本周说“法”Week SevenMonday VocabularyTuesday GrammarWednesday VocabularyThursday GrammarFriday Vocabulary and GrammarWeekend本周说“词”、本周说“法”Week EightMonday VocabularyTuesday GrammarWednesday VocabularyThursday GrammarFriday Vocabulary and GrammarWeekend 本周说“词”、本周说“法”Week NineMonday VocabularyTuesday GrammarWednesday VocabularyThursday GrammarFriday Vocabulary and GrammarWeekend 本周说“词”、本周说“法”WeekTenMonday VocabularyTuesday GrammarWednesday VocabularyThursday GrammarFriday Vocabulary and GrammarWeekend 本周说“词”、本周说“法”Week ElevenMonday VocabularyTuesday GrammarWednesday VocabularyThursday GrammarFriday Vocabulary and GrammarWeekend 本周说“词”、本周说“法”Week TwelveMonday VocabularyTuesday GrammarWednesday VocabularyThursday GrammarFriday Vocabulary and GrammarWeekend 本周说“词”、本周说“法”Week ThirteenMonday VocabularyTuesday GrammarWednesday VocabularyThursday GramlTlarFriday Vocabulary and GrammarWeekend 本周说“词”、本周说“法”Week FourteenMonday VocabularyTuesday GrammarWednesday VocabularyThursday GrammarFriday Vocabulary and GrammarWeekend 本周说“词”、本周说“法”参考答案


  1、She ought to stop work; she has a headache because she____all day long.  A、has been reading  B、had read  C、is reading  D、read  2、Two boys entered、Each____carrying a suitcase.  A、is  B、are  C、was  D、were  3、Each of the students, working hard at his or her lessons,____to go to university.  A、hope  B、hopes  C、hoping  D、hoped  4、It was because of his absence____the meeting had to be put off.  A、so  B、so that  C、why  D、that  5、He got up,____and went out in a hurry.  A、dressed  B、to be dressed  C、was dressed  D、getting dressed  6.____he had never worked so hard in his life.  A、It seemed to me that  B、He seemed as if  C、There seemed that  D、He seemed like  7、He spent all his free time____the sick old man.  A、caring for  B、caring about  C、caring  D、caring of  8、I was____follow their advice.  A、determined  B、determining to  C、determined not to  D、determining not to  9、He went to Beijing in 1990 and____there ever since.  A、is working  B、has been working  C、works  D、worked  10、If you wish for____explanation, you had better apply in person to the chief of police.  A、further  B、farther  C、farthest  D、furthest  11、—— I thought I asked you to fix the radio.  —— Oh、Im sorry, dear、I____it right away.  A、am to do  B、will do  C、was about to do  D、am going to do  12、The police____the murderer everywhere when he suddenly appeared in a theatre.  A、is searching for  B、were searching for  C、are searching for  D、were searching  13、He was an____poet at that time and his____poems spread through all the country.  A、inspired; inspired  B、inspiring; inspired  C、inspired; inspiring  D、inspiring; inspiring  k4、The old man was found____on the floor  A、lying; died  B、lying; death  C、lying; dead  D、laying; dead  15、Walk to work every day and youll soon be back in____  A、situation  B、condition  C、position  D、attention


  《词汇与语法周周练:高1年级》是多所国家级示范中学和省级示范中学的特高级教师、优秀骨干教师联合编写。  名师主笔,专家审稿,由各省市国家级示范中学和省级示范中学的特高级教师、优秀骨干教师联合编写,由中外教育专家审定把关。  设计新颖,操作灵活,内容按周次设计,活页编排,既有利于教师课堂定时检测,又适合学生同步自测,操作灵活方便,节时高效。  题型丰富,语境真实,选用当前中、高考各种题型及创新题型,从多个角度结合语境和语言运用,在真实的语境中考查词汇和语法。  分层训练,精讲考点,周一至周五练习按基础测试、能力检测和能力提高顺序编排,训练层层推进;周末精讲中、高考考点,系统梳理词汇和语法知识。



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