
出版时间:2008-8  出版社:中国电力出版社  作者:徐金凯,邵长洁 编著  页数:188  


  名师主笔专家审稿    本套丛书由各省市国家级示范中学和省级示范中学的特高级教师、优秀骨干教师联合编写.由中外教育专家审定把关。  循序渐进水到渠成    内容按周次设计。周一至周四每天安排两篇短文改错和一篇写作练习;写作练习从周一到周四依次为“经典范文背诵”  “习作评改”  “写作基础练习”  “命题作文”,周五为“任务型写作”,周末为“高分加油站”  (包括“技巧点拨”和“词句背记” )。写作训练按照“正面引导-标本评注-基础准备-综合训练-新题型突破-规律技巧总结”的认知顺序安排。  选材新颖命题科学    “短文改错”所选短文针对性强,题材广泛。  “命题作文”  “任务型写作”命题情景真实,形式多样,与高考真题思路契合。  强力助记名师指导    针对经典范文,由名师设计高效实用的背记提纲;针对命题作文,由名师提供写作高分必读技巧指导,手把手地教学生写出高分作文。


  Friends teach us some of lifes most important lessons. They search with us for lifesmeaning. They help us to have faith. By their example, they teach us about truth and honesty,about living, about confidence and favors. They sense when were lonely and need acceptance.  Friends make us feel at home. We know where we stand with them and where they standwith us. They let us be ourselves and love us even when we are not the most lovable.  Friends dont abandon us when the going gets tough. They are there with us wherever weare, whenever we need them. They have time for us. They dont forget us, and we dont forgetthem. They give us the opportunity to find out more about ourselves, so well know what to tryto change and what to accept. Friends validate us.  Friends are not afraid to take a chance on us, to defend us, to take a stand for us. They arenot embarrassed to tell us how much our friendship means to them; they do not care how sillythey may sound when they share these feelings with us.  Friends are like special gifts to us that we never discard or outgrow. No one can ever taketheir place. They are always welcome in the rooms of our heart. Theirs are the memoriesthat never fade.  Friends are special very, very special. Thank you for being a special friend to me.


  《短文改错与书面表达周周练(活页卷):高1年级(上)》由多所国家级示范中学和省级示范中学的特高级教师、优秀骨干教师联合编写。  名师主笔,专家审稿。  本套丛书由各省市国家级示范中学和省级示范中学的特高级教师、优秀骨干教师联合编写,由中外教育专家审定把关。  循序渐进,水到渠成。  内容按周次设计。按照“正面引导一标本评注一基础准备一综合训练一新题型突破一规律技巧总结”的认知顺序安排,从周一到周四依次为“经典范文背诵”“习作评改”“写作基础练习”“命题作文”,周五为“任务型写作”,周末为“高分加油站”(包括“技巧点拨”和“词句背记”)。  选材新颖,命题科学。  “经典范文背诵”所选短文针对性强,题材广泛,与同一学段优等学生的认知水平、语言水平相当,具有较强的示范意义和模仿意义。“命题作文”“任务型写作”命题情景真实,形式多样,与中考真题思路契合。  强力助记,名师指导。  针对经典范文,由名师设计高效实用的背记提纲;针对命题作文,由名师提供写作高分必读技巧指导,手把手地教学生写出高分作文。



    高一年级上-短文改错与书面表达周周练(活页卷) PDF格式下载

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  •   难易程度适合中考或高一的孩子,还不错,使用效果挺好的。
  •   适合高中学生,好书

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