
出版时间:2008-5  出版社:中国电力出版社  作者:徐莉芳 编  页数:256  


本书是21世纪高职高专规划教材,也可以用于计算机专业的英语培训教材。全书共分为14个单元,以最新计算机硬件、软件及网络技术内容为主线,每单元之间相对独立。  对话部分强调人机交流的术语。课文部分是最新计算机技术的结构、原理等。内容包括:外置硬件、内置硬件、存储基础、操作系统、Word软件、PowerPoint软件、Excel软件、家庭系统软件、执行脚本语言、网页制作、病毒与安全等。每个单元中还有科技英语语言特点解析、实用写作技巧,并配有相应的练习。   本书内容全面、条理清晰、通俗易懂、实用性强。不仅使读者学到了有关计算机专业方面的基本词汇、基本表达方法和较系统的英文计算机的知识,而且还能提高读者阅读计算机方面的科技文章和技术手册等资料的能力。


前言Unit1 The History of Computer Development(计算机发展史)  Communicative Samples  TEXT:The History of Computer Development  Paragraph Reading:Processor  科技英语句型特点:时态(一)  实用写作小技巧:怎样写名片Unit2 Outer Hardware(外置硬件)  Communicative Samples  TEXT:Outer Hardware  Paragraph Reading:The Disk  科技英语句型特点:时态(二)  实用写作小技巧:留言便条和预约便条Unit3 Inner Hardware(内置硬件)  Communicative Samples  TEXT:Storage Essentials  Paragraph Reading:Storage  科技英语句型特点:情态动词  实用写作小技巧:邀请函Unit4 Storage Essentials(存储基础)  Communicative Samples  TEXT:Storage Essentials  Paragraph Reading:Storage  科技英语句型特点:非谓语形式(一)——概述及不定式  实用写作小技巧:咨询信Unit5 The Operating System(操作系统)  Communicative Samples  TEXT:The Operating System  Paragraph Reading:The Operating System  科技英语句型特点:非谓语形式(二)——不定式  实用写作小技巧:感谢信Unit6 Microsoft Word (微软Word软件)  Communicative Samples  TEXT:Microsoft Word  Paragraph Reading:Software  科技英语句型特点:非谓语形式(三)——动名词  实用写作小技巧:道歉信Unit7 Microsoft Excel Essentials(微软Excel软件基础知识)  Communicative Samples  TEXT:Microsoft Excel Essentials  Paragraph Reading:The Input  科技英语句型特点:非谓语形式(四)——分词  实用写作小技巧:求职信Unit8 Microsoft Excel Formulas and Fuction(微软Excel软件公式与函数)  Communicative Samples  TEXT:Microsoft Excel Formulas and Function  Paragraph Reading:The Output  科技英语句型特点:被动语态  实用写作小技巧:通知信Unit9 Microsoft PowerPoint (微软PowerPoint软件)  Communicative Samples  TEXT:Microsoft PowerPoint  Paragraph Reading:Online Learning  科技英语句型特点:状语从句  实用写作小技巧:申请信Unit10 Home System Software(家庭系统软件)  Communicative Samples  TEXT:Home System Software  Paragraph Reading:A Home Page of Your Own  科技英语句型特点:定语从句  实用写作小技巧:抱怨信Unit11 An Introduction of JavaScript(执行脚本语言介绍)  Communicative Samples  TEXT:An Introduction of JavaScript  Paragraph Reading:Programs  科技英语句型特点:定语从句  实用写作小技巧:说明信Unit12 Networking(网络连接)Unit13 Creating Own Webpage (网页制作)Unit14 Viruses and Security(病毒与安全)课文译文及部分练习参考答案附录A 初级常用词汇附录B 常用专用词组附录C 专业缩略语


  Unit1The History of Computer Development(计算机发展史)  TEXT:The History of Computer Development  Early modern computer are typically grouped into four generations.Each generation is marked by improvements in basic technology.These improvements in technology have been extraordinary and each advance has resulted in computers of lower cost,higher speed,greater memory capacity,and smaller size.  First Generation(1945-1959)  The vacuum tube was invented in 1906.And during the first half of the twentieth century,it was the fundametal technology that was used to construct radios,televisions,radar,X-rays machines,and a wide variety of other electronic devices.It is also the primary technology associated with the first generation of computing machines. The first operational electronic general-purpose computer,named the ENIAC(Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer),was built in 1943(Fig.1-1)and used 18,000 cacuum tubes.



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