
出版时间:2008-6  出版社:中国电力出版社  作者:于雨 主编;边俊英,唐晓静 分册主编  页数:130  


◆名师主笔,专家审稿◆    本套丛书由各省市国家级示范中学和省级示范中学的特高级教师、优秀骨干教师联合编写,由中外教育专家审定把关。  ◆设计新颖,操作灵活◆    本套丛书内容按周次设计,活页编排,既有利于教师课堂定时检测,又适合学生同步自测,操作灵活方便、节时高效。  ◆同步性好,适用性广◆  本套丛书以新课标及最新考纲为依据编写,适用于各种版本教材。  ◆设计巧妙,效果最佳◆    听力理解训练需要最强的心理关注度,间隔一到两日训练,利于学生保持足够的训练兴奋度和最强的心理关注度,事半功倍。  ◆讲解精要,归纳精准◆  每周附有训练、应试技巧指导,有助于学生体会规律,举一反三。经典表达列出相关高频语言材料,有助于学生不断和谐听力语言素材,培养语感,进而大幅提高听能水平。


WEEK 1 People aroundWEEK 2 Personal environmentsWEEK 3 Daily routinesWEEK 4 School lifeWEEK 5 Interests and hobbiesWEEK 6  EmotionsWEEK 7 RelationshipWEEK 8 Festivalsholidays and celebrationsWEEK 9 ShoppingWEEK 10 Food and drinkWEEK 11 HealthWEEK 12  WeatherWEEK 13 LearningWEEK 14 Travel and transportWEEK 15 Entertainment and sportsWEEK 16 P1ans and intention录音稿参考答案


  16.What is the girl doing now?  A.Playing ping—pong.  B.Doing her homework.  C.Shopping.  17.Who went tO do the shopping just now?  A.The girl.  B.Tom and Jack.  C.The girl’S mother.  听第17段材料,完成第18至20小题。  18.Why does the boy telephone English—help Centre?  A.He wants tO join the English club.  B.He has some problems with English.  C.He wants to help others with their English.  19.What is the boy weak in?  A.Speaking and writing.  B.Speaking and listening.  C.Only listening.  20.What does the woman tell the boy tO do?  A.Try tO speak English as much as possible.  B.Keep an English diary and listen tO English songs.  C.Join a language club,listen to the tape and learn English songs.  听第18段材料,完成第21、22小题。  21.What is the girl worded about?  A.Her classmates.  B.Her English.  C.Her English teacher.  22.What do we know about the girl?  A.She can’t understand the text.B.She can’t catch her teacher’S words.  C.She has no money tO buy a tape.  听第19段材料,完成第23至25小题。  23.How long did the meeting last?  A.For two hours.  B.For two hours and a quarterl  C.For an hour and a half.  24.What was the meeting about?  A.The college library.  B.Their new sch001.  C.The computer company.  25.WhO wanted the young man to attend the meeting?  A.The woman.  B.His teacher.  C.Edward.  V.听短文,根据短文内容补全句子。短文读两遍。  26.Middle school students in Beijing are getting____sleeping time.  27.The teachers and  give the students too much homework.  28.The students themselves don’t knOW how to____the time.  29.The students don’t do their homework____,SO it takes them much time.  30.Some students have tO get up early on____.



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用户评论 (总计11条)


  •   此书被很多学校用作听力训练专用书。由于内容和题型及难易度符合北京中考的要求,很适合北京的初三学生平时使用,也可作考前听力冲刺用书。值得推荐。
  •   听力磁带很好~
  •   孩子小学6年新概念第一册学完,对孩子的听力很有帮助,对巩固第一册知识是个不错的练习。
  •   难度不大,但题目类型跟考试很匹配,孩子听了很有帮助。
  •   下次买书,认定该网站!!
  •   有帮助,
  •   我没有读过此书,但支教的同学给孩子们每人都买了,应该不错。
  •   还可以了..
  •   我买回来根本没有磁带也没有光盘,就只是有原文,题和答案。没法用。
  •   磁带的质量不好,1和2盘全放不出来。希望怎么能退换?
  •   应该和磁带一起卖,现在有书却磁带缺货,无法做题,我读也不标准。

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