出版时间:2008-1 出版社:麦卡思克(Marshall Kirk Mckusicd)、 尼尔 (George V.Neville-Neil) 中国电力出版社 (2008-01出版) 作者:麦卡思克(Marshall Kirk Mckusicd) 页数:683
作者:(美国)麦卡思克(Marshall Kirk Mckusicd) (美国)尼尔(George V.Neville-Neil)
PrefaceAbout the AuthorsPart Ⅰ OverviewChapter 1 History and Goals1.1 History of the UNIX SystemOriginsResearch UNIXAT&T UNIX System Ⅲ and System VBerkeley Software DistributionsUNIX in the World1.2 BSD and Other SystemsThe Influence of the User Community1.3 The Transition of BSD to Open SourceNetworking ReleaseThe Lawsuit4.4BSD4.4BSD-Lite Release1.4 The FreeBSD Development ModelReferencesChapter 2 Design Overview of FreeBSD2.1 FreeBSD Facilities and the KernelThe Kernel2.2 Kernel Organization2.3 Kernel Services2.4 Process ManagementSignalsProcess Groups and Sessions2.5 Memory ManagementBSD Memory-Management Design DecisionsMemory Management Inside the Kernel2.6 I/O SystemDescriptors and I/ODescriptor ManagementDevicesSocket IPCScatter/Gather I/OMultiple Filesystem Support2.7 Devices2.8 FilesystemsFilestores2.9 Network Filesystem2.10 Terminals2.11 lnterprocess Communication2.12 Network Communication2.13 Network Implementation2.14 System OperationExercisesReferencesChapter 3 Kernel Services3.1 Kernel OrganizationSystem ProcessesSystem EntryRun-Tune OrganizationEntry to the KernelReturn from the Kernel3.2 System CallsResult HandlingReturning from a System Call3.3 Traps and InterruptsTrapsI/O Device InterruptsSoftware Interrupts3.4 Clock InterruptsStatistics and Process SchedulingTimeouts3.5 Memory-Management Services3.6 Tuning ServicesReal Time...Part Ⅱ ProcessesChapter 4 Process ManagementChapter 5 Memory ManagementPart Ⅲ I/0 SystemChapter 6 I/O System OverviewChapter 7 DevicesChapter 8 Local FilesystemsChapter 9 The Network FilesystemChapter 10 Terminal HandlingPart Ⅳ Interprocess CommunicationChapter 11 Interprocess CommunicationChapter 12 Network CommnnicationChapter 13 Network ProtocolsPart V System OperationChapter 14 Startup and ShutdownGlossaryIndex