出版时间:2007-6 出版社:中国电力 作者:杜明环 页数:190
本书严格与教材配套,共5册,是按照单元编写的。初三阶段,为了帮助学生准备“中考”,还设计了10套“模拟阅读试题”。每个单元设计了4个阅读篇章,内容与教材单元话题相关,并且难度适当,尽量使用单元中出现的词汇、语法,帮助学生巩固学习重点;在体裁上,每个单元都尽量包括了“新课标”重点要求初中阶段学生需要掌握的记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。阅读材料语言地道、信息量大、具有时代气息,符合这个年龄段学生们的兴趣。 在编写过程中,我们注重学生阅读学习过程,每个单元的四篇文章难度逐渐递增,、有利于不同层次的学生阅读能力的拓展。另外,为了便于学生阅读,每篇文章标明了生词的中文释义,并用注释的形式标注出短语、句型及语法。
Module 1Wonders of the worldModule 2Great booksModule 3Sportina lifeModule 4Great inventionsModule 5MuseumsModule 6Save our worldModule 7AustraIiaModule 8PhotosModule 9Cartoon storiesModule 10FitnessModule 11PopuIationModule 12Summer in LA中考模拟套题1中考模拟套题2中考模拟套题3中考模拟套题4中考模拟套题5中考模拟套题6中考模拟套题7中考模拟套题8中考模拟套题9中考模拟套题10参考答案
Dear Mrs.Smith, I was a student of vours in Grade Six,and I hope you still remember me.Im writing this letter because I{ want to let you know that the school year with you was important and special time-It made a bg contnbunon to my life. I know 1 was very quiet in your class,and you never said much to me.But you did something that made a big difference in my life.You see,a11 through my first years in schools,I hated to read.Books were just words that had vervlittle to do with me,and 1 was bored bythem.Ill neverforget the first day of Grade Six when you took out a thick book and began to read the stoW to our class.Your.voice seemed to change with the people in the story,and you drew pictures in my mind as you read aloud.Since that day;I couldn’t wait until after lunch when you would read to the class.You read US all kinds of wonderful books. During the summer after my year in your class,I missed hearing the stories you would read.So one day I Dicked up a book and read it all on my own.I found out that I could make the words interesting,too.Now,I love to read! Thank you for Opening the world of books for me. ……