出版时间:2007-7 出版社:中国电力 作者:王大明 页数:180
这套丛书有两大特色:“专项训练+专题辅导”二合一,“阅读理解+完形填空”二合一。平时我们的英语训练,要么是采用单一的专项训练,要么是采取专题辅导,两者割裂开来,使学生往往在做完训练题后得不到及时有效的技能辅导。而这套丛书则将二者合为一体,做到了学、练、讲有机结合。同时,这套丛书采取“阅读理解+完形填空”合为一本书的编写体例,既节约了学生的时间,又集中训练了中、高考中分值最高的两大题型,符合学生的实际需求。 本套丛书选材新颖、内容翔实、题材丰富、难度适中、针对性强,既包括国内外时事,又包括经典名篇、轶闻趣事等。所有材料均由易到难排列,符合学生的兴趣爱好和学习规律,融趣味性、知识性和科学性于一体。 这套丛书坚持名师主笔、专家审稿的原则。丛书由来自国家级示范高中和省级示范高中的一批特高级教师及优秀骨干教师联合编写,并由中外教育专家审稿。习题难度循序渐进,按照中、高考角度设题。各单元均含有中、高考传统阅读题型及创新题型(对今后高考题型趋势的预测),即由多项选择题和开放类习题两部分组成。 这套丛书以新课标及最新考纲为依据,可适用于人教版、外研版、北师大版、湘教版、冀教版以及牛津版等多种版本的初、高中教材。各册图书同步性好、适用性广。 要坚持每天做一定量的题目。这一点,在这套丛书中体现得很突出。编者根据实际教学课时,对每周的周一到周五都做了恰当的内容安排,保证学生每天都能得到充分的练习。周一、三、五为阅读理解练习,高中阶段每天设置两篇文章,考虑到初中学生的阅读能力有限,初中阶段每天设置了一篇文章;周二、四为完形填空练习,每天一篇文章。
On this vivid (逼真) planet, it appears colorful with many world famous buildings.Among these largest artificial articles in the world, many were designed by the samearchitect——Ieoh Ming Pei. Pei, the 1983 Laureate Of the Pritzker Architecture Prize, is a founding partner of I. M.Pei & Partners based in New York City. He was born in China in 1917, the son of a banker.He came to the United States in 1935 to study architecture at the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology and the Harvard Graduate School of Design (M. Arch. 1946). From 1945 to 1948, Pei taught at Harvard. In 1948 he accepted the newly created postof director of Architecture at Webb & Knapp, Inc., and this association resulted in majorarchitectural and planning projects in big cities. In 1958, he formed the partnership of I. M.Pei & Associates, which became I. M. Pei & Partners in 1966. The partnership received the1968 Architectural Firm Award of The American Institute of Architects. Pei has designed over forty projects in the world, twenty of which have been awardwinners. His outstanding projects have included the East Building of the National Galleryof Art, Washington, D.C.; the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library near Boston; the FragrantHill Hotel near Beijing, China. Pei is currently a member of the National Council on the Arts, and previously servedon the National Council on the Humanities. He is a Fellow of the American Institute ofArchitects, a member of the Royal Institute of British Architects, and an elected member ofthe American Academy of Arts and Letters. He is a member of the Corporation of theMassachusetts Institute of Technology. As a student, he was awarded the MIT Traveling Fellowship, at Harvard. He later wona lot of honors. In 1982, the deans of the architectural schools of America chose I. M. Pei asthe best designer of significant 1 non-residential (非住宅的) structures.
高二年级上-阅读理解与完形填空周周练-快捷英语(活页卷) PDF格式下载