出版时间:2007-7 出版社:中国电力出版社 作者:全国高考英语听力命题研究组 页数:144
本书具有如下特点: 语料真实。取材于最新真实英语母语语料库。所有语言材料均来自当代英语国家真实生活场景,语言流畅、自然,原汁原味。最大限度地保证了在真实语境中测试学生语言运用能力目标的实现,体现了听力测试的选材思路。 命题严谨。测试题全部出自权威听力命题专家之手,均严格按照高考真题要求设计。考点全面,涵盖理解主旨要义,获取事实性具体信息。推断谈话背景及说话者之间的关系,理解说话者意图、观点和态度等各方面。话题丰富,完全涵盖课程标准、考试说明的话题范围。设题科学。题干设问直接明了,选项简练。 审定权威。所有听力素材及测试题均通过英语母语测试专家严格审读定稿,保证了素材语言准确生动。试题规范合理。 在线解读。特邀英语听力测试研究专家网上答疑解惑,点拨听能训练技巧。 数码录音。全部采用数码录音,严格控制录音、剪辑和磁带制作过程,音质清晰。 磁带超值。8盘超长数码磁带。 相信您认真完成本书全部听力训练之后,一定能在英语听力的理解上取得巨大的进步。
M:Hes six and a half. W:Well,wehavefish,dogs and cats. M:Do you have any birds? W:No.Im afraid were out of birds.but we expect to get some in next week. M:Hmrn.Im afraidthat8toolate.Ineeditbytomorrow.Thanksanyway. 听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。 (Text 7) M:Weve touched down in Austin.Texas! W:What should we see first?The Capitol building?Sixth Street? M:Lets drop off our bags and go check out the university! w:Sounds great,if my bags would just come out.Yours have already been out for a while. M:Wed better go check at the baggage claim coun~r. W:I dont believe this!They have lost my bags!What am I going to do? M:Lets gobuy afewthingstotide you over.You cantwearthe SalTlethingforfivedays. W:BUtdarling…we saidweweregoingtotryto savemoneythistrip. 听下面一段对话,回答第11至第13三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。 (Text 8) M:I say,Wang,itis 120clock,timefortheweatherforecast!L00k,its sunnyhereinWuhanandthetemperatureis 30 degrees. W:Lovely weather for a swim,isnt it?What is the weather like in your hometown.Mark? M:It is cooler;the temperature in New York is 18 degrees.And now its eleven Oclock at night.I guess many of my friends aredancing ataparty.Ormaybe someofthemarewatchingTVor reading. W:What aboutyourfriends inLondon? M:The temperature there is the salne as in Wuhan.But it is only four oclock in the morning.Ofcourse.they are stillinbed.Wow,1wishlwerein Snowpy.Itis snowingthere.only2degreesbelow zero.People can go skiing there,andthatis exciting. W:Oh,no,Mark.Ihatewinter.Lets enjoythewonderfuldayhere. 听下面一段对话,回答第14至第17四个小题。现在,你有20秒钟的时间阅读这四个小题。 (Text9) W:Frank.whats your hobby? M:Idontreally like one.I supposethatbowlingisthe closestthingto ahobbythatIhave. W:How about the otherpeople in your family? M:Well,my son likes collecting stamps and my wife has a garden.She spends an hour or so every day working in it,How aboutyou? W:I have several hobbies but collecting coins is the one I like best.I have coins from almost every country.My favoriteoneisfromChina. M:Have you ever been to China?
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