出版时间:2007-1 出版社:中国电力出版社 作者:马淑英 页数:86
在使用人民教育出版社出版的初中英语教材“Go for it时,我们遇到了一个很大的困难:缺少真正与教材配套使用的同步阅读练习。为此,我们组织海淀区十余名任课教师编写了这套《初中英语同步阅读》丛书。 本丛书严格与教材配套,共5册,是按照单元编写的。初三阶段,为了帮助学生准备“中考”,还设计了10套“模拟阅读试题”。 每个单元设计了4个阅读篇章,内容与教材单元话题相关,并且难度适当,尽量使用单元中出现的词汇、语法,帮助学生巩固学习重点;在体裁上,每个单元都尽量包括了“新课标”重点要求初中阶段学生需要掌握的记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。阅读材料语言地道,信息量大,具有时代气息,符合这个年龄段学生们的兴趣。 在编写过程中,我们注重学生阅读学习过程,每个单元四篇文章的难度逐渐递增,这有利于不同层次的学生阅读能力的发展。此外,为了便于学生阅读,每篇文章还标明了生词的中文释义,并以注释的形式标注出重点短语、句型及语法。 在活动设计方面,我们注意与各地中考的发展趋势相结合,既有常用的“正误判断”、 “多项选择”,也有“任务型”阅读练习,如“根据短文填写表格”。另外,我们还采用了读、写结合的题型,如“根据短文回答问题”等。我们的设计意图是:体现用语言做事的理念,启发学生积极思维,调动学生学习的积极性,使学生在知识、能力等方面能得到提高和发展。
《初中英语同步阅读(8年级下. 人教版新目标)》严格与教材配套,共5册,是按照单元编写的。初三阶段,为了帮助学生准备“中考”,还设计了10套“模拟阅读试题”。每个单元设计了4个阅读篇章,内容与教材单元话题相关,并且难度适当,尽量使用单元中出现的词汇、语法,帮助学生巩固学习重点;在体裁上,每个单元都尽量包括了“新课标”重点要求初中阶段学生需要掌握的记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。阅读材料语言地道,信息量大,具有时代气息,符合这个年龄段学生们的兴趣。
Unit 1Will people have robots?Unit 2What shouId l do?Unit 3What were you doi ng when the U FO arrived?Unit 4He said 1 was hard—working.Unit 5If you go to the party,you’II have a great time!Unit 6How long have you been collecting shells?Unit 7Would you mind turning down the music?Unit 8Why dont you _clet her a scarf?Unit 9Have you even been to an amusement park?Unit 10Its a nice day, isnt it?参考答案
When I was a child, I was very naughty and eager to know how things around me worked. One day, I found a little clock in my grandpas room. It had a red hand which was moving all the time. I didntknow what in the clock was turning it. So I took the clock apart: Then I looked at every part of it carefully withgreat interest. I was happy when I knew how it worked. But I didnt know how to put the parts together in tile rightway. I tried my best and worked for a long time, but still a few parts were left. I didnt know where to put them. S(~I hid them. When Grandpa came back, he found tile clock was not working.He asked me who had touched it. I said 1hadnt. I felt very uneasy when telling tile lie. Then, he began to mend it. He was very angry when he found out tha!someone had taken it apart. I was afraid and took out tile parts, my face turned red. But he said, "Good! Thatsright. But you shouldnt have told file lie. Remmber: If you want to be a true man, you should always be honest." Today I still remember grandpas words. And I have never told a lie ever since that day: For I want to be a trueman.
依据《英语课程标准》编写,完全与教材同步 内容与教材单元话题相关,难度适当 体裁全面,语言地道,信息量大,具有时代气息