出版时间:2007-1 出版社:中国电力 作者:北京师大附中编写组 编 页数:92
学好英语不仅表现在读、写方面,听、说也是语言综合运用能力的极为重要的体现。现在全国各地的中考英语都把“听力”测试放在很重要的位置,反映了目前素质教育和英语教学改革的趋向,加强英语听力又是将来高考取得好成绩的基石。为了提高初中学生的英语听力能力,我们邀请全国著名重点中学——北京师范大学附属中学的高级教师编写了这套丛书。本书为初二年级的下册。 这套丛书严格依据《英语课程标准》编写,各分册及其内容与外研版的新标准《英语》完全同步。本书针对教材内容设计了10个Module,每个Module中又包括Unit 1,Unit 2和Unit 3三个与教材内容同步的听力训练单元,以及一个Integrated unit,训练学生的综合听力能力。此外,我们还安排了期中和期末测试题,更加方便学生作阶段性的课堂或自我考查。 本书采取阶梯形的练习设置,难度递增,题型涵盖中考的常考题型以及日常的各种应用题型,还设置了任务型题型,全面地辅助学生循序渐进地提高英语听力水平。书中的听力材料内容丰富,题材广泛,语言地道,具有时代气息。 这套丛书的配套磁带是我们邀请语言大学的外籍专家精心录制的,语音纯正,语速适中,有助于学生感受真实的英语情境!
《初中英语同步听力(初2下)(外研版)》针对教材内容设计了10个Module,每个Module中又包括Unit 1,Unit 2和Unit 3三个与教材内容同步的听力训练单元,以及一个Integrated unit,训练学生的综合听力能力。此外,我们还安排了期中和期末测试题,更加方便学生作阶段性的课堂或自我考查。
Module 1 HobbiesModule 2 FriendshipModule 3 On the radioModule 4 New technologyModule 5 Problems期中测试题Module 6 EntertainmentModule 7 Time offModule 8 Public holidaysModule 9 HeroesModule 10 My perfect holiday期未测试题Listening scriptsKey
On BBC2 at 7:30 tonight, “Sports”, that's thefootball match between England and Germany.In today's “What Do You Think” on BBC2 at10 o'clock. Tom White talks with Dr Georgefrom the Animal World about the special studyof elephants in Africa. So that's“What Do YouThink” on BBC2. Finally, on Channel 4 in tonight's “Holidays”,Mary Smith looks at holidays in China. Duringthe programme she'll talk with some peoplewho have visited the country and a tour guidefrom London who is going to take a group oftourists to Yunnan in China this summer. If youare interested in somewhere different for yourholidays this year, watch "Holidays" at 9:30 onChannel 4. 2.Man: Good evening, everyone,and welcome toJust the Point. My name is Jeffery Brockman.Just the Point is a programme of news andinformation on all subjects for all people. Twotopics are given each hour. Tonight our first topicis Animals Around Our Farms. This topic isn'tunderstood by some people, but its an interestingtopic this year. What happens to the animals?Stay with us. We'll return after the followingmessages. After you watch Just the Point, you'llwant to watch Science for Today, a programmeof the latest reports from the world of science. Atten o'clock we'll bring you another programme,Part 21 of An Old Family. Now here's MaryGreen, the manager of Channel 67. Woman: Hello, again. Before we return to Justthe point, I want to talk to you for a moment. Ionly need a few minutes of your time. As youknow, public television needs your help. Pleasehelp us again. Before you watch Just the Point, awonderful public television programme, call usat 445-9000 and tell us how much you can giveto the channel. Or after you watch Just the Point,think over what I'm saying and send your money.Our address is 45 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL30308. After we receive your $ 35, our magazine,Stories on Channel 67, will be sent to youeach month. For $ 50, this beautiful Channel67 umbrella will be sent to you. Or would youlike this nice Channel 67 CD? It will be sent toyou after we receive $ 100 or more. Channel 67needs your help. Thank you. Now back to ourprogramme. ……