
出版时间:2007-1  出版社:中国电力出版社发行部  作者:戴维斯  页数:660  


  如今,无论是技术还是非技术领域的职业,都必定与计算机及其操作系统之间有一定的联系,并相互影响。本书提供了对操作系统原理的介绍,适合于有一定教育背景的初级用户。  在第六版中,本书继续着重于计算机操作系统及网络的使用(而非设计)。作者以对这一领域系统的观察来代之以仅从理论上的关注,向读者展示了为什么操作系统是必需的,以及从功能的角度看操作系统能做什么。  本书引导读者遍历了Windows XP、Windows 2003、UNIX、Linux、Macintosh OS X 及Novell等这些当前最普及的操作系统,综合介绍了这些操作系统当前的最新版本。


作者:(美)戴维斯 雷库马


Preface1 What Is an Operating System?  Basic Operating System Functions  Layers of Abstraction  Open Source and Proprietary Operating Systems  A Look Ahead  Summary  Key Words Review Questions  ExercisesPART 1:SYSTEM RESOURCES  2 Hardware    Memory      The Processor    Microcode    Input and Output Devices    Secondary Storage    Communication Hardware    Linking the Components    Summary    Key Words    Review Questions    Exercises  3 Application Software and Data    Hardware Software and Data    Software    Data    Summary    Key Words    Review Questions    Exercises  4 Linking the Hardware Components    Linking Hardware    ……PART 2:BASIC OPERATING SYSTEM CONCEPTS  5 The User Interface the File System and the IOCS  6 Resource ManagementPART 3:COMMUNICATING WITH THE OPERATING SYSTEM  7 MS-DOS Commands  8 The Microsoft Windows User Interface  9 The UNIX/Linux User Interface PART 4:OPERATING SYSTEM INTERNALS  10 The Intel Architecture  11 MS-DOS Internals  12 Windows XP Internals  13 UNIX and Linux Internals  14 Macintosh OS X Internals  15 MVS InternalsPART 5:NETWORKS  16 Data Communication and Networks  17 The Internet and the World Wide Web  18 Client/Server Information Systems  19 Windows 2003 Server  20 Linux Networking  21 Novell NetWareAPPENDIX A:Nunber Systems Data Types and CodesAPPENDIX B:Summary of MS-DOS CommandsAPPENDIX C:Summary of UNIX CommandsAPPENDIX D:IBM OS/JCLGlossaryIndex




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