.NET 本质论 第一卷:公共语言运行库

出版时间:2003-11  出版社:中国电力出版社  作者:伯克斯 (Don Box)  页数:405  


对于我自己的产品,Don竟然教了我所不知道的东西。我坚信,你也一定能从中受益匪浅。本书为需要充分利用Microsoft.NET强大功能的开发人员提供了最重要的内容。这本书深刻地论述了.NET Framework(.NET框架)的精髓:公共语言运行库[Common Language Runtime(CLR)]。Box和Sells揭示了CLR的内部工作方式——CLR设计背后的基本原理,它能够解决的问题,以及CLR编程中类型的角色——并且,在帮助读者在对CLR工作机制有更为完整的理解的同时,指导他们如何利用.NET Framework构建更好的应用程序。


Don Box 是微软公司的架构师,主要研究方向为下一代Web服务协议和程序设计模型。Don是软件集成技术方而后权威。在上世纪90年代,他花费大量时间为CLR积极筹建了组件对象模型社团。他是简单对象协议规范1.1版本的缔造者之一,同时他还是畅销技术专著《Essential COM》、《


ContentsList of FiguresList of TablesForewordPreface1 The CLR as a Better COM COM Revisited The Common Language Runtime The Evolution of the Programming Model Where Are We?2 Components Modules Defined Assemblies Defined Assembly Names Public Keys and Assemblies The CLR Loader Resolving Names to Locations Versioning Hazards Where Are We?3 Type Basics Type Fundamentals Types and Initialization Types and Interfaces Types and Base Types Where Are We?4 Programming with Type Types at Runtime Programming with Metadata Special Methods Metadata and Extensibility Where Are We?5 Instances Objects and Values Compared Variables, Parameters, and Fields Equivalence Versus Identity Cloning Boxing Arrays Object Life Cycle Finalization Where Are We?6 Methods Methods and JIT Compilation Method Invocation and Type Interfaces, Virtual Methods, and Abstract Methods Explicit Method Invocation Indirect Method Invocation and Delegates Asynchronous Method Invocation Method Termination Where Are We?7 Advanced Methods Motivation Messages as Method Calls Stack and Message Transitions Proxiable Types Message Processing (Revisited) Objects and Context Contexts and Interception Where Are We?8 Domains Execution Scope and the CLR Programming with AppDomains AppDomain Events AppDomains and the Assembly Resolver AppDomains and Code Management AppDomains and Objects (Revisited) Where Are We?9 Security Components and Security Evidence Policy Permissions Enforcement Where Are We?10 CLR Externals Memory Modes of Execution Unmanaged Modules Loading the CLR The CLR as a COM Component Where Are We? Glossary




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用户评论 (总计4条)


  •   这本书对CLR的机理有深刻的阐述,对于做软件工程的人来说,可以仔细看一下!
  •   很多年前看了中文版,发现和CLRviaC#定位不同,更加深入~
  •   英文不是太好,啃起来有点吃力,所以理解的也不是很透彻,faint
  •   不错,想对CLR工作原理的可以一看,不过有几章不是很好懂,可能是我水平不够吧。

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