
出版时间:2007-1  出版社:金盾出版社  作者:孙光峰  页数:97  


外语教学从儿童开始效果最好,这是国内外教育专家的共识。北京启航欢乐英语教育研究中心策划、编写了这套《启航欢乐英语乐园》,旨在推行幼儿园健康、科学、社会、语言和艺术五大领域的英汉双语教育教学活动。 本套书是根据北京启航欢乐英语教育研究中心各位英语老师多年积累的教学材料编辑而成,因此具有极强的实用价值。本套书以“游戏化教学”为主,通过丰富多彩的室内外游戏来学习词汇、儿歌、口语等,真正体现了“玩中学、学中玩”的教育理念。本套书分托班、小班、中班和大班四册。每册又分上、下两?分册,上分册儿童使用,下分册可用作教师和家长的教学参考书。 本书为中班。有助于使儿童从小就学到比较纯正的美式英语,为以后的学习打下坚实的基础。


小班上册 儿童用书  Unit One Living games  Lesson One Useful dinner sets.  Lesson Two Come in.please!  Lesson Three Looking for friends.  Lesson Four We’re all good friends  Lesson Five I can wipe little chairs  Unit Two Teaching games  Lesson One Little honeycomb  LessonTwo Learningthenumber——one  Lesson TIⅡee Happy little animals  Unit Three Beautiful songs  Lesson One Good morning!  Lesson Two I can say A B C  Lesson Three Happy New Year!  Unit Four Colourful outdoor games  Lesson One Grow taller.become shorter  Lesson Two Children like to play  Lesson Three My car runs fast  Lesson Four I like playing balls  Lesson Five We’re wooden figures  Lesson Six Little wolf,what’S the time?  Unit Five Living games  Unit Six Teaching games  Lesson Three Interesting holidays  Lesson Four Acrobatics show  Lesson Five What’S the difference among mem?  Unit Seven Activity area games  Lesson One Coloured ribbon dolls who can dance.  Lesson Two My dear children how are you?  Lesson Three Happy friends.  Unit Eight Outdoor physical games  Lesson One I’m a car driver  Lesson Two Looking for food.  Lesson Three Blowing bubbles  Lesson Four Picking fruit  Lesson Five Little pilots小班下册教师和家长指导用书  Unit One Living games(生活游戏)  Lesson One Use~l dinner sets(有用的餐具)  Lesson Two Come in,please!(请进!)  Lesson Three Looking for friends(找朋友)  Lesson Four We’re all good friends.(我们都是好朋友。)  Lesson Five I can wipe little chairs.(我会擦小椅子。)  Unit Two Teaching games(数学游戏)  Unit Three Beautiful songs  Lesson One Good morning!(早上好!)  Lesson Two I can say A B C.(我会唱A B C字母歌。)  Lesson Three Happy New Year!(新年好!)  Unit Four Colourful outdoor games  ……  Unit Five Living games  Unit Six Teaching games  Unit Seven Activity area games  Unit Eight Outdoor physical games



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