
出版时间:2001-10  出版社:华夏  作者:琼斯  页数:176  


尽管我们可以把一些词汇叫做“商务英语词汇”,但大多数商务英语只是在商务背景下使用的英语,其实它并不是什么特别的语言。每个行业(在一定程度上,每个公司甚至每个部分)都使用一些“行话”,这套书里不可能包括所有这些专门术语。在这套书中我们提供了大量的商务背景和商务情景,您可以用此来练习和提高英语沟通技能,使您在商务活动中更自信、更流利、也更准确。    全书共设15个单元。涉及各种主要商务活动以及各种情景下的商务英语用语规范。该书在欧美以及世界其他国家和地区深受欢迎,有很高的知名度。本教材的语音教学部分由4盒录音带组成,它们在使用本教材的过程中是必不可少的。新版采用全彩色印刷,生动美观。


Thanks 致谢Introduction 序言1 Face to face 会面  basic skills and techniques for talking to people in business situations;2 Letters,faxes and memos 信件,传真和备忘录;  Basic skills and techniques for business correspondence;3 On the phone 通电话;  Basic skills and techniques for using the telephone in business;4 Summaries,note,reports 总结,笔记,报告;  Basic skills and techniques for writing reports,making notes,summarizing and    taking notes of conversations in business;5 Working together 一起工作;  Talking about where you work,employment policy,a company’s   activities,organization and  history6 International trade 国际贸易;  Ordering and supplying goods or services;answering and making enquries,making   offers,placing and acknowledging orders;7 Money matters 货币贸易;  Methods of payment,cash flow,invoicing,dealing with non-payment problems;8 Dealing with problems 处理问题;  Complaining and apologizing,delivery and after-sales problems;9 Visitors and travellers 访问者和旅行者;  Looking after foreign visitors and traveling on business;hotels,restaurants,small   talk,telling Stories;10 Marketing 市场营销;  Marketing a product,market research,promotion and advertising;11 Meetings 会谈; Taking part in formal and informal meeting,one-to-one meeting and larger group   meetings;12 Processes and operations 工作过程和操作;  Explaining and describing operations,giving instructions;13 Jobs and careers 工作和职业;  Applying for jobs and seeking promotion,participating interviews;14 Sales and negotiation 销售和谈判;  Selling and buying products,negotiating face-to-face and on the phone;15 A special project 一个特别的项目;  A simulation,revising many of the skills and situations in the course; Files文档BEC考点分布表




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