
出版时间:1998-01  出版社:华夏出版社  作者:(美)科特  


This book is the product of a research program in managerial/executive behavior which began with my doctoral dissertaion on big city mayors.Other parts of that program have focused on the major contextual factors that shape the way in which managers act,executive careers,both the organizational and the power and influence sapects of managerial work ,the history and behavior of a group of successful general managers, and corporate efforts to create a leadership capacity in their management hierarchies.


约翰·科特,JOHN P.KOTTER is Professor of Organizational Behavior ta the Harvard Business School.He has won McKinsey Awards for two Harvard Business Review artichles and has received the 1985 Johnson,Smith and Knisely Award for new perspectives on executive leadership.Professor Kotter has achieved international recognition as an expert on leadership in business with his works The General Managers,Power and Influence,and The Leadership Factor,which have been translated into six languages.


PrefaceⅠ Introduction 1、Management and Leadership 2、Leadership in ActionⅡ The Process of Leadership 3、Establishing Direction 4、Aligning Peonple 5、Motivating and InspiringⅢ The Structure of Leaderdhip 6、Multiple Role 7、Thick Informal NetworksⅣ The Origins of Leadership 8、Heredity and Childhood 9、Career Experiences 10、Corporate Culture Postscript Appendix:The Research Xotes Bibliography Index


书评This book is the product of a research program in managerial/executive behavior which began with my doctoral dissertaion on big city mayors.Other parts of that program have focused on the major contextual factors that shape the way in which managers act,executive careers,both the organizational and the power and influence sapects of managerial work ,the history and behavior of a group of successful general managers, and corporate efforts to create a leadership capacity in their management hierarchies.




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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   这本书经典,对管理和领导力的论述不错,值得一读, 但是印刷质量一般,
  •   科特先生在领导力方面的经典著作。英文版。虽然书很薄,纸张一般,但我们并不是买花瓶。此书性价比极高,值得购买学习收藏。亚马逊的第三方供货,第一次用。供货速度很慢,同城要一周多,对于期盼者来说,有点儿考验耐性了。
  •   old book, too out-dated.

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