
出版时间:2012-9  出版社:中国国际广播出版社  作者:简·奥斯汀  页数:253  字数:200000  




  ‘Ah, Catherine! Were it settled so, it would be some-what less intolerable, though in such common attentions you would have received but half what you ought. But -how can I tell you? -Tomorrow morning is fixed for your leaving us, and not even the hour is left to your choice; the very carriage is ordered, and will be here at seven o'clock, and no servant will be offered you. '  Catherine sat down, breathless and speechless.'I could hardly believe my senses, when I heard it; -and no dis-pleasure, no resentment that you can feel at this moment,however justly great, can be more than I myself -but I must not talk of what I felt. Oh ! that I could suggest any-thing in extenuation! Good God! What will your father and mother say ! After courting you from the protect:ion of real friends to this - almost double distance from your home, to have you driven out of the house, without the considerations even of decent avility ! Dear, dear Cather-ine, in being the bearer of such a message, I seem guilty myself of all its insult; yet, I trust you will acquit me, for you must have been long enough in this house to see that I am but a nominal mistress of it, that my real power is nothing. '  ' Have I offended the General?' said Catherine in a fal-tering voice.  'Alas ! for my feelings as a daughter, all that I know,all that I answer for is, that you can have given him no just cause of offence. He certainly is greatly, very geatly discomposed; I have seldom seen him more so. His tem-per is not happy, and something has now occurred to ruf-fle it in an uncommon degree; some disappointment,some vexation, which just at this moment seems impor-tant; but which I can hardly suppose you to have any concern in, for how is it possible?'  It was with pain that Catherine could speak at all; and it was only for Eleanor's sake that she attempted it.I am sure,' said she, 61 am very sorry ifl have offended him.  It was the last thing I would willingly have done. But do not be unhappy, Eleanor. An engagement you know must be kept. I am only sorry it was not recollected soon-er, that I might have written home. But it is of very little consequence. '  'I hope, I earnestly hope that to your real safety it will be of none; but to everything else it is of the greatest con-sequence; to comfort, appearance, propriety, to your family, to the world. Were your friends, the Allens, still in Bath, you might go to them with comparative ease; a few hours would take you there; but a journey of seventy miles, to be taken post by you, at your age, alone, unat-tended ! '  ……




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  •   不错的口袋书,适合睡前读
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  •   美丽的散文,人生的启迪
  •   总觉得很羡慕那时候在英国的中产阶级╮(╯▽╰)╭
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  •   这是名著,内容无需多说,书的质量很好,便携
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