
出版时间:2012-9  出版社:中国国际广播出版社  作者:简·奥斯汀  页数:514  字数:350000  




  Chapter 12  Mr Knightley was to dine with them, rather against theinclination of Mr Woodhouse, who did not like that anyone should share with him in Isabella's first day. Emma'ssense of right, however, had decided it; and, besides theconsideration of what was due to each brother, she hadparticular pleasure, from the arcumstance of the late disa-greement between Mr Knightley and herself, in procuringhim the proper invitation. She hoped they might now become friends again. Shethought it was time to make up. Making up, indeed,would not do. She certainly had not been in the wrong,and he would never own that he had. Concession must beout of the question; but it was time to appear to forgetthat they had ever quarrelled; and she hoped it mightrather assist the restoration of friendship, that when hecame into the room she had one of the children withher-the youngest, a nice little girl about eight monthsold, who was now making her first visit to Har田eld, andvery happy to be danced about in her aunt's arms. It didassist; for though he began with grave looks and shortquestions, he was soon led on to talk of them all in theusual way, and to take the child out of her arms with allthe unceremoniousness of perfect amity. Emma felt theywere friends again; and the conviction giiving her at firstgreat satisfaction, and then a litde sauaness, she couldnot help saying, as he was admiring the baby: 'What a comfort it is that we think alike about our nephews and nieces ! As to men and women, our opinionsare sometimes very different; but with regard to thesechildren I observe we never disagree. '   'If you were as much guided by nature in your estimate ofmen and women, and as little under the power of fancy andwbimin your dealings with them, as you are where thesechildren are concerned, we might always thmk alike. '  "To be sure -our discordances must always arise frommy being in the wrong."  "Yes," said he, snuling, 6 and reason good. I was six-teen years old when you were born. ' 'A material difference, then,' she replied; 'and nodoubt you were much my superior in judgement at thatperiod of our lives; but does not the lapse of one-andtwenty years bring our understandings a good deal nea- rer?'  'Yes, a good deal nearer. ''But still, not near enough to give me a chance of be- ing right, if we think differendy. '  'I have still the advantage of you by sixteen years' ex-perience, and by not being a pretty young woman and aspoiled child. Come, my dear Emma, let us be friends,and say no more about it. Tell your aunt, little Emma, that she ought to set you a better example than to be rene- wing old grievances, and that if she were not wrong, be- fore, she is now. '  ……



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  •   还木有看过,呵呵,封面感觉不错
  •   封麵很漂亮,就是有點小了。內容還沒看。很輕
  •   非常好的书 有很多本 封面很喜欢
  •   英文版,估计要好好肯一段时间
  •   的确很小,口袋书,封面不错。
  •   书质量挺好的,书比较小,方便携带
  •   书有些小小的旧~不过还行,比较小巧。。。
  •   书太小了 不喜欢小本的书 字很小很费力的 而且还是英文的 而且纸质非常不爽

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