
出版时间:2006-12  出版社:学苑出版社  作者:王长喜 编  页数:319  字数:478000  


为了引导你平时练习中读透做细、篇篇提高,本书中每篇文章都带你熟悉词汇、分析难句、理清结构、翻译全文、找出题眼、清晰做题。    1.语境词汇 快速熟悉 每单元后,每篇文章将文中出现的重要的、或者考生不是非常熟悉的词汇和短语列出,给出文中释义和其他重点释义,让考生对这部分词汇和短语灵活理解、快速熟悉。    2.长句难句 译文剖析 每单元后,每篇文章将文中出现的长句、难句挑出,加以语法点拨.和译文剖析,让考生对长句、难句渐渐适应,不再陌生。    3.结构主线简明提示每单元后,每篇文章都分析篇章结构和行文主线,帮助考生清晰理解文章、把握内容关键,同时,也训练考生如何在时间紧迫的情况下快速按主线阅读、理解文章。    4.全文翻译划线点拨每单元后,每篇文章都给出准确地道的翻译,并在译文中将每道题目设题出处用下划线划出来,一方面让考生对文章有一个深入、细节的理解,一方面让考生做题更清晰、更透彻,同时也有利于培养考生坚持精读、做一篇提高一篇的良好习惯。    5.找出题眼清晰思路每单元后,每篇文章每个题目都找出设题出处、解题题眼,解析都按照考生实际做题过程中注意力集中点的转移路线给出,解析的同时渗透了做题方法的讲解,考生解题的过程同时也是学习做题的过程。




第一篇 标准篇 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15第二篇 提高篇 Unit 16 Unit 17 Unit 18 Unit 19 Unit 20


  Text 1  Catneton Walker learned the hard way that sharing information online can have unintended consequences.In 2005, the sophomore at Fisher College in Boston organized a student petition dedicated to getting a campuspolice guard fired and posted it on the popular college social network Facebook. com. Walker wrote that the guard "loves to antagonize students..., and needs to be eliminated. " It was a poor choice of words. Another student informed school officials, who logged On and interpreted the comments as threatening. Though Walker claimed he was trying only to expose the guard s demeanor, he was expelled. He s now enrolled at anothercollege and admits he made a serious mistake. "I was a naive 21-year-old," he says.  Creating a page on a social-networking site is now a cherished form of self-expression at universities around the world. Students use ad-supported services like Face book, MySpace, TagWorld and Bebo to makefriends, plan their social lives and project their personalities] The most popular site among college students is Facebook, with more than 8 million members. A student s personal Facebook page is usually a revealing, dy-namic chronicle of campus life-one clearly not meant for the eyes of parents, teachers or anyone else olderthan 25.  But adults are taking notice. Sites like Faee book are accessible to nearly anyone willing to spend the timeto gain access: teachers, school administrators, even potential employers and the police. Such online servicescan create the illusion of privacy where none actually exists. Face book, in particular, was designed to empha-size privacy and intimacy. Only other users at your school(with the same college e-mail domain name),and those in networks you join, can-see your home page. But determined off-campus visitors can persuade astudent or alumnus to help them access the students page.  What happens when the identity you reveal to friends suddenly overwhelms the facade you present togrown-ups? The results can be awkward -or worse. Photos from drunken parties, recollections of sexual es-capades, or threats-all these indiscretions, posted online, have gotten students suspended or expelled, orharmed job prospects. In a couple of decades, a presidential candidate may be called on to answer for a collegemisadventure that he or she impulsively detailed in a blog entry.  Not all students want to temper their behavior. They point out that the Internet lets them express them-selves and find like-minded souls. Still, adults arent likely to stop prying any time soon. That meansstudents who use Facebook and My Space have a new burden. The Web may seem ephemeral, but what youcasually post one night might just last a digital eternity. While social networking represents a powerful tool fortodays students, they re advised to be prudent. Even if they have no plans to run frpresident someday.


  标准篇,难度同于真题,让你标准难度标准演练  提高篇,难度高于真题,让你稍高要求挑战高分  分级冲刺,逐步适应考研难度上场之前胸有成竹  熟悉生词  分析难句  点拨思路  全文翻译  《2011考研英语阅读理解:标准90篇+提高30篇》为考研白皮书



    2008年考研英语词句篇高效阅读120篇 PDF格式下载

用户评论 (总计50条)


  •   很适合考试的书,规定了做题时间,解析还算明确,思路很清析
  •   做真题前,选一本好的阅读原创题写很重要。用过王长喜的,觉得习惯其安排,于是买啦。做完再分享哈。
  •   长喜的考研英语系列都比较不错,特别是语法和这本阅读。
  •   听我的,我坚持做到第六单元,每天一个单元,就有质变了。
  •   还没做,试试自己的底子,呵呵
  •   先买本英语阅读试试水,看下自己的水平如何
  •   王长喜老师的书不错
  •   这本书买回来基本上买回来没用,书还是不错的。可是我本身没时间考研了,想转手,有需要的朋友可以给我留言哈。。
  •   简单的 提高的都有
  •   要是时间多点能熟读就好了
    推荐 不错
  •   考研很需要的说
  •   比较适合考研
  •   阅读只能靠练的,这本书的选材都不错
  •   内容很新,题型也和考试的差不多,很有用。
  •   比想象中的好很多啊!!内容很好,设计不错,很喜欢,很有用!
  •   训练
  •   买了没用………………………………
  •   帮同学买的,应该还好。书是正版。
  •   给老公买的,还没给他呢。。。
  •   写了大半本之后,觉得还是要有个交待,总体而言,循序渐进的感觉还不错。
  •   一时心血来潮买的,到现在没有看,还是给个好评吧
  •   难度好难看懂谁来救我
  •   解答具体详细,实用
  •   同学买的,他说很好
  •   图书质量还可以,满意吧,物流很快,很满意。
  •   正品~
  •   东西不错 还没认真看 随便翻了一下 感觉很好
  •   是在书店里把各种参考书都翻了翻才决定买这个的~个人觉得很实用~
  •   包含了ABC 哦 版面也比较好 挺不错的
  •   买完就降价!
  •   就是奔着做题去的、各种参考书的各种阅读理解都差不多~文章+问题+翻译+答案解析~还有语境词汇~挺好的~
  •   这本书整体说给人的感觉还可以,让人有想做的兴趣,但是好似里面有些讲解的思路有些不清晰,有些甚至是不对的,对于阅读理解来说,思路是最重要的,这可是致命的要点。不过出去这点小瑕疵,整体来说,还是很好的,值得一做。
  •   连续做了几天之后我实在是没信心了!不知道是因为我的英语底子太差还是内容太难!
  •   纸张挺好的,题也不错
  •   感觉比黄皮书靠谱。但是有一个缺点,解析的很 不详细,而且答案都没有翻译过来,有些解析看得莫名其妙 很牵强。虽然有这个缺点,但还是比黄皮书好!
  •   大家都说黄皮书好,这本凑合做
  •   平时做做练习还行吧,感觉考研用的话还不够仔细
  •   英语我就练阅读了 就用它了 但愿有帮助
  •   适合考研者用 阅读难度恰当
  •   印刷,排版都不错,答案的解释都比较透彻&&……总之比较满意就是了
  •   质量很好,内容有用~
  •   说实话这本书的描述太少了,没有说的那么好,买回来没怎么看就放一边了。
  •   很好的书 价格适合
  •   还好,帮男友买的
  •   就是咱要的是2012年的,给发的是2011年的。。。。囧了个囧呀
  •   问题设置不够用心,提后解释不好
  •   整本书分阶段、逐步增加难度,讲解也算详细
  •   阅读量挺大 但是质量实在一般啊
  •   刚拿到书还没看,应该不错吧,别人给我买的,应该不错!
  •   书不错,和书店卖的一样

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