
出版时间:2009-5  出版社:中国城市  作者:安徒生  页数:792  译者:克拉吉  


安徒生童话是一部以童话而名扬世界的文学巨著,它是由丹麦著名诗人、童话作家安徒生历时近40年创作而成。“丑小鸭”、“皇帝的新装”、“ 拇指姑娘”和“卖火柴的小女孩”伴随了一代又一代人的美丽童年、少年直至成年。安徒生童话问世一百多年来,至今仍被译成世界上140种文字,而其中英文译本更是不计其数。本书选用的是最著名的英文译本之一。孩子,你不仅会学到真诚、友爱与智慧,还将以这本书记录你的欢乐你的悲伤你成长的痕迹!




安徒生童话全集:英文原版(上)  1.The Tinder-Box  2.Great Claus and Little Claus  3.The Princess on the Pea  4.Little Ida' s Flowers  5.Thumbelina  6.The Naughty Boy  7.The Travelling Companion  8.The Little Sea Maid  9.The Emperor' s New Clothes  10.The Goloshes of Fortune  11.The Daisy  12.The Hardy Tin Soldier  13.The Wild Swans  14.The Garden of Paradise  15.The Flying Trunk  16.The Storks  17.The Metal Pig  18.The Bond of Friendship  19.A Rose From the Grave of Homer  20.Ole Luk-Oie  21.The Rose-Elf  22.The Swineherd  23.The Buckwheat  24.The Angel  25.The Nightingale  26.The Lovers  27.The Ugly Duckling  28.The Fir Tree  29.The Snow Queen  30.The Elder Tree Mother  31.The Daming-Needle  32.The Bell  33.Grandmother  34.The Elf-Hill  35.The Red Shoes  36.The Jumper  37.The Shepherdess and the Chimney-Sweeper  38.Holger the Dane  39.The Little Match Girl  40.A Picture From the Fortress Wall  41.By the Almshouse Window  42.The Old Street Lamp  43.The Neighbouring Families  44.Little Tuk  45.The Shadow  46.The Old House  47.The Drop of Water  48.The Happy Family  49.The Story of a Mother  50.The Shirt Collar  51.The Flax  52.The Phoenix Bird  53.A Story  54.The Dumb Book  55."There Is a Difference"  56.The Old Gravestone  57.The Loveliest Rose in the World  58.The Story of the Year  59.On the Last Day  60."It's Quite True !"   61.The Swan's Nest  62.Good Humour  63.A Great Grief  64.Everything in Its Right Place  65.The Goblin and the Huckster  66.In a Thousand Years  67.Under the Willow Tree  68.Five Out of One Pod  69.A Leaf From the Sky  70.She Was Good for Nothing  71.The Last Pearl  72.Two Maidens  73.In the Uttermost Parts of the Sea  74.The Money-Pig  75.Ib and Christine  76.Jack the Dullard  77.The Thorny Road of Honour  78.The Jewish Girl  79.The Bottle-Neck  80.The Stone of the Wise Men  81.Soup on a Sausage-Peg  82.The Old Bachelor' s Nightcap  83.Something  84.The Last Dream of the Old Oak Tree-A Christmas Tale  85.The A.B.C.Book  86.The Marsh King' s Daughter  87.The Racers安徒生童话全集:英文原版(下)  88.The Bell-Deep  89.The Wicked Prince  90.The Wind Tells about Waldemar Daa and His Daughters  91.The Girl Who Trod on the Loaf  92.Ole the Tower-Keeper  93.Anne Lisbeth  94.Children's Prattle  95.A String of Pearls  96.The Pen and Inkstand  97.The Child in the Grave  98.The Farm-Yard Cock and Weathercock  99.Charming  100.A Story from the Sand-Dunes  101.The Puppet Showman  102.Two Brothers  103.The Old Church Bell  104.Twelve by the Mail  105.The Beetle  106.What the Old Man Does Is Right  107.The Snow Man  108.In the Duck-Yard  109.The Muse of the New Century  110.The Ice Maiden  111.The Butterfly  112.The Psyche  113.The Snail and the Rose Tree  114."The Will-O'-The-Wisps Are in the Town," Says the Moor-Woman  115.The Windmill  116.The Silver Shilling  117.The Bishop of Borglum and His Kinsmen  118.In the Nursery  119.The Golden Treasure  120.The Storm Shifts the Signs  121.The Tea-Pot  122.The Bird of Popular Song  123.The Little Green Ones  124.Brownie and the Dame  125.Peter, Pete, and Peterkin  126.Hidden Is Not Forgotten  127.The Porter's Son  128.Removing-Day  129.The Snowdrop, or Summer-Geck  130.Auntie  131.The Toad  132.Godfather' s Picture-Book  133.Good Luck Can Lie in a Pin  134.The Comet  135.The Days of the Week  136.Sunshine's Stories  137.Great-Grandfather  138.The Candles  139.The Most Incredible Thing  140.What the Whole Family Said  141.Dance, Dance, Doll of Mine  142.The Great Sea-Serpent  143.The Gardener and the Family  144.The Rags  145.Vano and Glano  146.Who Was the Luckiest?  147.The Dryad  148.Poultry Meg's Family  149.The Thistle's Experiences  150.What One Can Invent  151.The Flea and the Professor  152.What Old Johanna Told  153.The Door-Key  154.The Cripple  155.Auntie Toothache  156.God Can Never Die  157.The Talisman  158.This Fable is Intended for You  159.Croak!  160.The Penmen  161.The Court Cards  162.Lucky Peer  163.A Picture Book Without Pictures


"Hurrah!" cried all the other Beetles together; and our friend was engaged. Immedi-ately after the betrothal came the marriage, for there was no reason for delay.The following day passed very pleasantly, and the next in tolerable comfort; but on thethird it was time to think of food for the wife, and perhaps also for children."I have allowed myself to be taken in," said our Beetle himself, "So I must just takethem in, in turn. "So said, so done. Away he went, and he stayed away all day, and stayed away allnight; and his wife sat there, a forsaken widow."Oh," said the other Beetles, "this fellow whom we received into our family is noth-ing more than a thorough vagabond. He has gone away, and has left his wife a burden uponour hands. ""Well, then, she shall be unmarried again, and sit here my daughters," said themother. "Fie on the villain who forsook her!"In the meantime the Beetle had been journeying on, and had sailed across the ditch ona cabbage leaf. In the morning two persons came to the ditch. When they saw him, theytook him up, and turned him over and over; they were very learned, especially one ofthem——a boy."Allah sees the black beetle in the black stone and in the black rock. Is not that writ-ten in the Koran.9" Then he translated the Beetle's name into Latin, and enlarged upon thecreature's nature and history. The older scholar voted against carrying him home. He saidthey had just as good specimens; and this seemed an uncivil speech to our Beetle, and inconsequence he flew suddenly out of the speaker's hand. As he had now dry wings, he flewa considerable distance, and reached a hothouse, where a sash of the glass roof was partlyopen, so he quietly slipped in and buried himself in the warm earth."Very comfortable it is here," said he.Soon after he went to sleep, and dreamed that the Emperor's horse had fallen, and thatMr. Beetle had got its golden shoes, with the promise that he should have two more.That was all very charming. When the Beetle woke up, he crept forth and looked a-round him. What splendour was in the hothouse! Great palm trees growing up on high; thesun made them look transparent; and beneath them what a luxuriance of green, and ofbeaming flowers, red as fire, yellow as amber, or white as fresh-fallen snow!"This is an incomparable show of plants," cried the Beetle. "How good they will tastewhen they are decayed! A capital store-room this! There must certainly be relations of mineliving here. I will just see if I can find any one with whom I may associate. I'm proud, cer-tainly, and I'm proud of being so. "






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  •   小时候把世界童话宝库都逛完了,现在要考英语啦,英文小说对我来说有些难,偶然一次找了本英文童话书来读,故事情节大概还记得,单词比小说也简单许多,连句型都较容易理解,所以这次先把安徒生和格林两大经典先拍了。纸张、印刷都不错,格林童话是硬皮包装,而安徒生这本却是软皮包装。
  •   前几天看完《秘密花园》,突然想看看那篇《海的女儿》了,于是就找买来了这套英文的《安徒生童话》,早已过了看童话的年龄,但有时却觉得长大后的我们活得太累,能在童话世界里寻觅儿时的纯真也是幸福的。
  •   喜欢安徒生童话书,买英文版做为收藏,希望以后可以用英文看完它。
  •   英文版的安徒生童话勾起了对童年的回忆。
  •   很容易阅读。适合初学英语的。没想到安徒生的童话这么血腥
  •   一直都想拥有一套安徒生童话,买了之后,外观给我的感觉就特别好;看了几个故事了,我想它能提高一下我的英语水平吧,还没有看完,估计需要一定的时间,但是我还是超级喜欢这套图书,我会努力的看完它。
  •   上英语课的老师说,英语要地道就要看些儿童文学,于是想起了安徒生。可是拿到书我就崩溃了,我竟然连大多题目都不能翻译。有难度代表有挑战,我要把这本书翻译出来。如果你英语程度JUST SO SO,建议这本书英语更好的时候读吧。
  •   全英文的书,但是童话故事更能吸引我们去读啊
  •   最近学习英文,想买本安徒生通话研究研究,我觉得我能自己全看懂了,英语就差不错了,看评论买的,还没读,应该不错吧,排版看着挺舒服
  •   这个装帧好,从纸张到印刷都让人感觉非常舒服。全英的,一个字中文的的废话都没有。因为我早就有中文版的安徒生了,所以这套连导读和前言都没有的就让我很满意。对安徒生的简介直接印在封面内折页上,跟很多书的作者介绍一样。唯一不满的就是封底全部拿来排该出版社的其他书的封面,一本书拿起来正面很文艺,背面却很广告。。。。
  •   记得小的时候真正开始学字是从看童话书开始 现在也想开始学英语了 虽然学了好几年 但是自己的悟性不高 所以也开始从看童话书开始吧 希望在快乐和回忆中找到语感
  •   书的质量首先就让我觉得很欣喜 封皮很精美 我喜欢的童话 感觉真是太好了
  •   因为是英文版,所以也就没有译本的差别,整本书就外观而言非常不错,很朴实,这个价钱也公道。
  •   书的质量很好,而且版本选的也很好,原汁原味的英文,对学英语很有帮助!
  •   买了这两本英文原版书,本来以为是童书,词汇可能会简单点,可是,哎,看了第一个故事,有很多都是不认识的单词(本人是英语专业,是在大二暑假买的这本书),所以还是以后再看吧,呵呵
  •   英文版的书,我一直是用来催眠的,可是这本书确让我很有兴趣的读下去,连觉都不想睡.故事情节很吸引人,也顺带提高了英语.
  •   买了本来想学习英语,可是看了一点觉得有点障碍就先放着了,日后继续学习。总体不错,印刷字体适中,英文好的人买去读肯定有感觉。
  •   比较适合想提高英文词汇量和语法的大人读,小孩子是读不懂的哦,我是比较喜欢啦
  •   这本书非常好.孩子爱不释手.不过适合10岁以上的孩子看.
  •   整本都是英文书,这对提高自己的英语能力很有帮助,让我们更深入的了解英语!!!
  •   书就应该不错,只怪自己下单太快看错了,自己以为看到是英汉对照,怎么收到一打开才知只有英文,叫我这个文化不高的人看怎么看呢,苦闷中,买了白费,不知是否问下,卖家可不可换本是汉字的给我呢???????????????如果可以实在太感激了。。。
  •   这本书不错,就是字有点小,不太适合孩子自己看,怕影响视力。如果大人读或者作为睡前小故事就非常好了!
  •   纯英文的,可以练习英语
  •   不错,一起学习英文了~~~~~~~~
  •   很利于学习英文。
  •   全英文,女儿还不是很适应
  •   很喜欢~~ 也能看懂 有古英文 但不难
  •   硬质封面,书很好。英文版初看时有些困难,久了提高很快哦!需要坚持。
  •   一朋友希望她的男朋友能够先把这套书读好后,以后读给自己的孩子,呵呵,全英的哦~希望他们梦想成真的,小小的梦想,需要大大地实现~~
  •   排版太紧凑,字体偏小,收到时,书角有压痕。希望能注意。
  •   英文版,看着很有质感!
  •   英文版的印刷质量一般,不过应该是正版,价格也比较合理,比实体店便宜。
  •   书我刚刚收到,打开一看是我喜欢的那种比较轻的纸张做的,而且质量和印刷也都不错。既可以一边学英语一边看故事,一箭双雕!
  •   性价比算是很高了,全集而且没有一篇是缩略的,字和排版看起来很舒服,纸质不算特别号但也还行,就是封底看起来有点蠢,瑕疵吧。
  •   显然是为了提高英语的,顺便也重温了一下童年
  •   书排版很实在,大大的一张字,字印得既不过于紧凑也不浪费地方。

  •   包装精致,很喜欢,建议英语专业的童鞋们一定要读。和中文版的有一些不一样
  •   送给同学的生日礼物,她是读英语专业的,很喜欢、、
  •   印刷质量也不错,封面设计不是那种珍藏版的,但是内容最重要。
  •   很好,包装得不错,书也很好看。
  •   不错的书,有空可以看看。
  •   书质量不错,留给女儿暑假好好看看.
  •   第一次在当当买书,速度很快,也很喜欢书
  •   快递很快,书也还好吧
  •   还没有时间看,书的质量很不错,很轻,全英的书,正准备好好学习一下,给英语充电
  •   书收到了,很快!很精美的书!!!期待阅读。。。。。。
  •   其实 很郁闷的,因为我看错了,以为这个是英汉互译的。不过书非常不错,颜色偏黄不刺眼,内容很全。
  •   担心自己看不完,书挺好的
  •   很不错的书,越来越喜欢当当网了。付款又方便。
  •   书的质量很好,内容很全,感觉挺实在,纸质也没有像评论的那样不好,反正绝对是我喜欢的类型,字的大小我也满意,如果去书店挑的话,我也会选择如此排版的
  •   书的手感很好,很值的一套书。就是字太小,行距很小。
  •   速度非常快,隔一天就收到了,书感觉也不错
  •   书拿到书,虽然还没看,但就书的质量来说还是很不错的,很喜欢!希望自己能坚持看完。
  •   很好的书 呵呵 字小了点
  •   非常好的书谁说像盗版了!非常正版!书面也很好看
  •   送女友的礼物,赞一个。
  •   还没有开封,打算圣诞节给儿子一个小小的惊喜
  •   ..有很多不抬常用的词,作为初三的学生看起来还是蛮吃力的,纸的质量很不错,两本书也够厚
  •   这本书对我编英语儿童剧带来很大帮助。
  •   挺好的一本书,比较适合在校学生
  •   这本书我是买了提高自己的英语水平,顺便给宝宝当睡前读物的,呵呵,纸质摸起来很舒服,字体大小也适中,要是能有点插画就更好了。
  •   这本书很不错,英语也简单,质量也好
  •   不仅仅有那些熟悉的故事,还有一些看起来残忍但是很现实的寓言,对英语的提高也有帮助
  •   刚开始看,还好,用来提升英语!
  •   是正品货,是原版的
  •   很好,送货很快。越来越肯定当当了,质量也不错。
  •   印刷什么的都很好
  •   有趣,小宝宝很喜欢
  •   质量很好。是学习英语的好途径
  •   不错,买来慢慢看
  •   质量很好,经典版本
  •   容量很大的一套书,性价比超高的。
  •   便宜,货好。老公喜欢
  •   这个版本不错!翻译应该是比较好的
  •   给朋友买的,打开里面很漂亮,很满意的撒
  •   很好哟~~很喜欢封面的说
  •   比中文版的故事多很多,质量也还不错
  •   对学习英语很有帮助哦~
  •   看過了中午版,很希望看原版,不錯.
  •   内容好 原汁原味
  •   适合朗诵 收藏
  •   学习娱乐两不误,很好的
  •   本来以为是的封面是精装硬壳的··结果妈妈收到货说是软皮的···字的大小还行,喜欢才买的嘛···希望对英语阅读有帮助···
  •   适合英语学习者看
  •   应该买中英对译的,适合大人看,小孩子完全不能看。
  •   还没细看,但是纸张很好!
  •   买回来看的不多,留给儿子看吧
  •   适合自己,质量也不错。
  •   价格适当,印刷一般
  •   送女朋友 很喜欢
  •   啥都不说了 经典的
  •   比书店便宜多咯
  •   就是一般,看是没有问题,就是收藏的话不太合适。
  •   很厚、内容很丰富、
  •   内容和配送都不错
  •   挺好的 很适合 青少年看的 值得回味
  •   排版太密。不舒服。不过价格便宜。
  •   三十多块钱买上下两本,性价比很高了。纸张不错,字体稍微有那么点偏小。。。
  •   经典,收藏,感觉不错
  •   书的正文是中文还是英文?还是中英文对照?

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