出版时间:2009-1 出版社:中国城市出版社 作者:青闰 编 页数:367
本书英汉对照,妙语连珠,分为时间篇、人生篇、社会篇、青春篇、理想篇、希望篇、友情篇、亲情篇、爱情篇、成功篇、婚姻篇、家庭篇、幸福篇、微笑篇、命运篇、自然篇、读书篇、知识篇、教育篇、天才篇、科学篇、文学篇、艺术篇、真理篇、美德篇、思想篇、伟人篇、机遇篇、处世篇和睿智篇30个类别。 这些妙语原汁原味、短小精悍,或睿智隽永、引人深思,或幽默诙谐、让人开怀,或美轮美奂、动人心扉……它们就像一颗颗珍珠、一粒粒钻石,又像一缕缕阳光、一泓泓清泉,更像一处处圣火、一座座灯塔,为你的作文指点迷津、引领航向。 读妙语,犹如在欣赏一道道美丽迷人的风景。 诵妙语,仿佛在和一个个智者进行心灵对话。 品妙语,似在细细回味香茗留下的袅袅芬芳。 用妙语,信手拈来妙趣横生演绎英文之梦想。
时间篇 Time is a circus,always packing up and moving away。 时间是一个马戏团,总是在打点行装,匆匆离开。人生篇 Life is like a buoy;nothing can make it sink。 人生如一支浮标,任何风浪也无法使它沉没。社会篇 The society won't treat someone with generosity unless he proves himself tothe society that he is worthy of being treated in this way。 社会不会厚待一个人,除非他向社会证明自己值得社会厚待。青春篇 The feature of youth is to betray oneself at will,even if no alluring strengthabout。 青春的特征就是动不动就要背叛自己,即使身边没有诱惑的力量。理想篇。 Ideals are like the Stars—We never reach them,but like mariners,we Chanour course by them。 理想像星星一一尽管我们永远也够不到它们,但我们像水手一样,用它们指引航程。希望篇 Hope is the walking stick of lovers,with which they can go ahead and withstand the self-despairing thought。 希望是恋人的手杖,带着它前行,可以对抗自我绝望的念头。友情篇 An arrow says,“I'd like to charge forward in battle”A bow answers,“I'd like to be your powerful backer” 箭说:“我愿冲锋陷阵。”弓答:“我愿做你强大的后盾。”亲情篇 The mother’s heart is the child,S schoolroom。 母亲的心是孩子的课堂。爱情篇 Love is the greatest weapon,SO none can defend against its force。 爱情是最伟大的武器,谁也无法抵御它的威力。成功篇 Falling into the deepest valley is nothing to fear。It just means that you are in the perfect position to climb the world。S highest mountain。 坠人最深的山谷并没有什么可怕的。它只意味着你正以最完美的姿势攀登着世界上最高的山峰。婚姻篇 Marriage is a feast where the grace is sometimes better than the dinner。 婚姻是一场盛宴,饭前的感恩祈祷有时比正餐更有味道。家庭篇 Home is a castle,where anyone,even a king,cannot get into arbitrarily without an invitation。家就是城堡,即使国王,不经邀请也不能擅自入内。幸福篇 Happiness is a butterfly,which,when pursued,is always just beyond your grasp,but which,if you will sit down quietly,may alight upon you。 幸福犹如蝴蝶,你追逐它时永远捉不到,你静坐下来时,它却可能落在你身上。微笑篇 A smile is a curve that sets a lot of things straight。 微笑是一条曲线,能使许多东西变直。……
时间篇 Time is a ci rcus,always packing up and moving away 时间是一个马戏团.总是在打点行装,匆匆离开。 A day is a miniature of eternity. 一天是永恒的缩影。 A loafer always has the correct time. 游手好闲的人总是知道确切的时间。 A man who dares to waste one hour of life has not discovered the value of life. 敢浪费一个小时生命的人还没发现生命的价值。 A man who is virtually busy has no time to have a bee in his head. 真正忙碌的人不会去胡思乱想。 A man,who wastes all his lifetime,is to throw out gold without buying anything. 虚度一生,就像抛出黄金而一无所获。 A miser speaks of money as his lifeblood;an assiduous person looks on time as his life. 守财奴说金钱是命根,勤奋者视时间为生命。 Age is a matter of feeling,not of years. 年龄只是感觉的问题,而不是年岁的问题。 All human power is compound of time and patience. 人的所有力量都是时间与耐心的化合物。
读妙语,犹如在欣赏一道道美丽迷人的风景。 诵妙语,仿佛在和一个个智者进行心灵对话。 品妙语,似在细细回味香茗留下的袅袅芬芳。 用妙语,信手拈来妙趣横生演绎英文的梦想。 原汁原味,短小精悍,睿智隽永,引人深思