
出版时间:2009-11  出版社:中国福利会出版社  作者:凌春蓉  页数:71  


  孔融小时候聪明好学,才思敏捷,不仅巧言妙答,而且很小就能背诵许多诗赋,大家都夸他是神童,父母亲也非常喜爱他。而孔融这个名字之所以流传至今,多半是由于那个“孔融让梨”的故事。故事发生在孔融四岁的时候。一天,孔融父亲的朋友送来了一篮梨子。孔融家的孩子很多,父亲决定把梨分给孩子们吃,不过这次他不打算由大人来分,而是叫来了孔融和他的兄弟们,请他们每人自己挑一个梨子。  父亲对大家说:“从最小的小弟开始,年幼的在前,年长的在后,你们挨个儿自己挑吧。”为什么让最小的小弟先挑呢?父亲嘴上没说,心里其实是想把吃大的梨子的机会安排给年幼的孩子。  小弟走到盘子前,首先挑走了一个最大的。正如父亲所想的那样,先挑的可以吃到大梨。轮到孔融挑梨子了,照理,他可以挑剩下的梨子里最大的那个,可是,孔融却做了个父亲意想不到的决定。他偏偏挑了一个最小的梨子,还说:“我年纪小,应该吃小的梨,剩下的大梨就给哥哥吧。”  父亲听后十分惊喜,又问:“那小弟也比你小啊,你怎么看?”  孔融说:“因为我是哥哥,弟弟比我小,所以我也应该让着他。”  父亲听了,喜形于色,对孔融大加赞赏。而孔融让梨的故事,很快就传遍了他的故乡——曲阜,并且一直流传开去。  直到今天,这个故事还被许多父母讲给他们的孩子听,正是因为这个故事中,蕴含了中华民族“礼让”的传统美德。


Kong RongCao thongSima GuangLu BanWang MianMin ZiqianWang RongHua MulanLi BaiKuang HengWang XizhiZhang LiangChild XuGong ChunGan LuoLi ShizhenZhang Shuiquan


  The father said to his children: "Each of you may have a pear, andpick it one by one in order from the youngest to the eldest." Althoughhe didn't tell why he gave priority to the youngest child to pick first,actually he wished to leave the chance to get the big pear for theyoung children.As expected by the father that the earlier to pick, the bigger pear toenjoy, the youngest child came to the basket and picked the largestone.It was Kong Rong's turn then. As a rule, he might pick the largest oneamong the rest of the pears. Out of the father's expectation, however,he picked without hesitation the smallest pear by saying "1 was little inage, so I shall have the small pear. The bigger ones should be left formy elder brothers."Delightfully surprised after hearing this, the father asked Kong Rong,"You have one but an only brother younger than you and he haspicked the largest one, so what do you think about it?""1 am his elder brother. For the sake of courtesy, I have to begenerous with him." Kong Rong replied.The answer greatly delighted the father who sang in high praise ofKong Rong. Subsequently, this story was spread throughout hishometown-Qufu and continued to go down far and wide in history.Up until recently, many parents often tell this story to their children.It is in this story that the traditional Chinese virtue of "courtesy andthoughtfulness" is prominently reflected.  ……



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