
出版时间:2009-11  出版社:中国福利会出版社  作者:冯俊儿  页数:71  


  1977年的8月和9月,人类成功发射了“旅行者一号”和“旅行者二号”探测器,再次向“外星人”做了详细的“自我介绍”。这次它们各自携带了一张称为“地球之音”的唱片,上面录制了丰富的地球信息,包括35种各类声音,近60种语言的问候语和27首世界著名乐曲等,其中就有中国的古琴曲《流水》。  中国古琴是世界上最古老的弹拨乐器之一,也是中国最早的弦乐之一,至今已有3000余年的历史。从古至今,琴与中国知识分子之间一直有着一层深厚的渊源,它作为文人雅士的象征有其深刻的内涵。比如俞伯牙和钟子期高山流水遇知音的故事干百年来脍炙人口。故事讲述了俞伯牙在弹琴时,无论表现志在高山还是志在流水,钟子期都能心领神悟。钟子期死后,俞伯牙痛失知音便终身不再弹琴。  古时候中国人弹琴的主要目的不在于表演,而在于言志、抒情。且弹琴时讲究举止优雅,气度非凡,因而形成了一种高雅的格调。这也使琴居于四大经典艺术(琴棋书画)之首,成为古代文人极其钟情的一门艺术形式。  在历史上,由于师承关系的不同,出现了京师、两浙和江西琴派,其中浙派成就最高。后来又呈现出百家争鸣、百花齐放的局面。作为中华民族最古老的乐器之一,古琴最能体现中华民族文化的精髓。


GuqinSealsScreenPaperBrushs and Ink SticksInk SlabChinaSilkFansKesi Silk Tapestry and EmbroideryJadeJinshan Peasant PaintingBoccaro WareRunBronze WareSculptureWall Paintings


  The launching of "Voyager I" and "Voyager ll" probes in August andSeptember in 1977 was a success. Again human beings introducedthemselves to the "Ets" —— the extraterrestrials. This time, the two probesbrought a phonograph record with them respectively. The records werecalled "The Sounds of the Earth", containing abundant information ofour planet. For example, here came 115 photos and charts, 35 kindsof sounds, greetings in nearly 60 languages, and 27 pieces of world-famous musical compositions, among which there was a famousChinese Guqin tune ——Liushui, that means the flowing water.Guqin, Chinese heptachord similar to a zither, is one of the mostancient plucked instruments in the world as well as the earliest stringedinstruments in China. So far it has a history of 3,000 years. Qin, it hadclosely relationship with the Chinese intelligentsia, for it, as a symbol ofman of letters, contains profound meanings. For instance, a story wasand is on everybody's lips for hundreds of years, telling that Yu Boyamade a bosom friend with Zhong Ziqi by playing the Guqin tune HighMountain and Flowing Water. In the story, when Yu Boya played theGuqin, Zhong Ziqi could understand Yu's feelings in the tunes, no matterwhich indicated the great ambition as high as mountains, or implied theardent aspiration as lively as flowing water. When Zhong passed away,Yu decided not to play the Guqin any more for the rest of his life, for hewas bereaved a faithful friend and no other person could understand him.  ……



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