
出版时间:2009-11  出版社:中国福利会出版社  作者:陆海游  页数:71  


  在上海,最具历史特色的居民住宅便是石库门建筑了。为什么叫石库门呢?因为这种建筑吸收了当时江南民居的式样,以石头做门框,以黑漆实心的厚木板做门扇,所以,人们就叫这种房子为石库门。石库门建筑至今已有近一个半世纪的历史,在上世纪三十年代,上海石库门建筑曾达九千多处,占当时上海住宅总面积的六成以上。石库门最早是由外国房产商修建的。当时,许多江浙一带的富商、地主、官绅为了躲避战乱而涌入上海,在上海经商的外国房产商看准了这个机会,大量建造石库门式样的房屋,卖给他们居住。  石库门多为砖木结构的两层楼房,坡型屋顶常带有老虎窗,红砖外墙。成片的石库门建筑总体上采用联排式的布局,这来源于欧洲,而弄堂的入口处却又常有中国传统式的牌楼。石库门建筑里,比比皆是中西合璧之举。


Residential Quadrangle with Stone-ringed DoorBamboo Buildings in Dai Ethnic GroupWatchtowerStilted BuildingCommunal Residence in FujianThe Imperial PalaceHutong and Courtyard HouseMongolian YurtMushroom House of the Hani NationalityThe Dwellings of Southern AnhuiKashi Uigur Living on the High-platformCave DwellingGardens of Southern Changjiang Delta


插图:buildings of this sort, which have taken up over 60% of the totalresidential area in Shanghai. The earliest buildings with stone-ringeddoor were built by foreign land or estate agents. At that time, manywealthy merchants, landlords and government officials swarmedinto Shanghai, due to the chaos caused by war. Foreign land orestate agents who were doing business in Shanghai discovered thisopportunity, and built a lot of houses in the pattern of buildings withstone-ringed door, then sold them to those new comers.Most buildings with stone-ringed door are two-story ones built withbricks and wood, with a sloping roof as well as tiger window (dormantwindow) on it usually, and the outer wall is built with red bricks.Continuous areas of houses with stone-ringed door adopt the layoutof row dwelling as a whole, which stems from Europe. Besides,there is always a traditional Chinese decorated archway at theentrance of the lane. Among the buildings with stone-ringed door,there are combinations through blending the eastern and westernstyles everywhere.





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