
出版时间:2012-10  出版社:中国书籍出版社  作者:卫芳菊,李钢主编  页数:421  字数:370000  




Unit 1 Checking Identification
Unit 2 Security Check
Unit 3 Giving Directio
Unit 4 Reply and Help
Unit 5 Reply and Refusal
Unit 6 Propagating and Directing
Unit 7 Asking to Leave and Stop
Unit 8 Guarding and Warning
Unit 1
Text A Reinforce Armed Police with Legal Backing
Text B The Law on People’S Armed Police Force of the People’s
Republic of China(excerpted)
Unit 2
Text A Modernization of the Military
Text B Deployment of the Armed Forces
Unit 3
Text A Rising to the Challenge’
Text B Rising to the Challenge(continued)
Unit 4
Text A Playing It Safe
Text B Armed Pohce Bering Contingent in Active Preparation for
Olympic Games
Unit 5
Text A Bering’S Awer to Bond
Text B China’S Elite Counterterrofism Force Sent to Xinjiang
Unit 6
Text A Armed Police Protect Uygur Community agait
Text B Facts Show July 5 Riot“Far beyond Ordinary Violent
Unit 7
Text A GSG9(Grenzsehutzgruppe9)
Text B Olympics Massacre:MunichThe Real Story
Unit 8
Text B The Israeli Home Front Command
Unit 1 PAPF:Loyal Guardia of Chinese People
Section A The Chinese People’S Armed Police Force
Section B Dialogue:Try My Best to Fulfill the Missio of
a Soldier
Section C Special Police Unit
Unit 2 SWAT:The Counterterrorist Elite
Section A Special Weapo and Tactics Teams
Section B Dialogue:I Admire Them for Being a SWAT
Team Member
Section C The Birth of SWAT
Unit 3 Team Tactics for Searching a Building
Section A A Threeman Team
Section B Dialogue:Basic Tactical Principles
Section C HOW to Practice Tacties
Unit 4 Building Searches
Section A Clearing and Searching Doo
Section B Dialogue:Stairway Search
Section C Hallways,Corne and Tinteectio Searches
Unit 5 Reactive Tactical Behavior:the Trump to Survive
Section A Reactive Tactical Behavior
Section B Dialogue:How to Survive More Easily
Section C Pistol Training Techniquest
Unit 6 Bomb Threats the W0rld
Seetion A Thais Face Minibomb Risk
Section B Dialogue:Face to Face with Bony Bomb
Section C Small Bomb Damages NATO Tanker
Unit 7 lED Nightmare
Section A AntiTank Shapedcharge lED in Iraq
Section B DialogueOn the Locale of IED
Section C New Weapo,War Dogs Eyed to Fight IEDs
Unit 8 Ghost Rider:Car Bomb
Section A Ulstar Car Bomb
Section B Dialogue:After a Car Explosion
Section C Suicide Car Bombing
Unit 9 Sniper:Lolie Wolf in the Battlefield
Section A Facto Affecting Police Sniper's Performance
Section B Dialogue:Let’S Talk about the Sniper
Section C Top Ten Snipe
Unit 10 CT Ultimate Weapon:Sniper Rifles
Section A Modem Sniper Rifles
Section B Dialogue:Remington 700P Has Got a Great
Section C Remington 700&Sigsauer 3000 Sniping Rifles
Section A Rocks and Minerals
Section B Dialogue
Section C Engineering Geology Reports
Unit 2
Section A Drilling
Section B Dialogue
Section C Geotechnical Engineering
Unit 3
Section A The Fire Triangle
Section B Dialogue
Section C W0rld Without Trees
Unit 4
Section A Topography Effect of the Forest Fire Behavior
Section B Dialogue
Section C Characteristics of Forest Fire Respoe and
Trend in China
Unit 5
Section A Design and Types of Water Works
Section B Dialogue
Section C Flow Behavior and Hydraulic Structures
Unit 6
Section A Hydraulic EngineeringDams
Section B Dialogue
Section C General Description of the Thine Gorges Project
Unit 7
Section A Road Cotruction(I)
Section B Dialogue
Section C Development 0f Roads
Unit 8
Section A Road Cotruction(Ⅱ)
Section B Dialogue
Section C Bridge Cotruction
附录一 中国军队编制英语译名
附录二 军衔警衔
附录三 军队系统称谓
附录四 常用证件名称
附录五 安检岗位规范用语
附录六 武警相关执勤目标名称
附录七 世界主要反恐部队
附录八 常用指挥口令




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用户评论 (总计4条)


  •   书还没看,不过应该可以吧,是买给别人看的。
  •   好,学到了很多知识
  •   如果里面的内容有中文翻译就好了!需改进!
  •   粗糙,既然少了21页,这样的书,你们也敢寄出,太夸张了

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